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Accused of attempted rape and sexual assault

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  • #16
    Well I've been back in the UK for 3 weeks now and before I flew back my wife had more discussions with Social Services who agreed after several talks with my daughters and visiting their school that they believed there was no need for me not to allowed back into my family home and therefore the police allowed me back home.
    Since being home I had to has a bail date last week and that has now been set 4 months, being later than they wanted because I was going to be back overseas working with their initial bail date.
    The police told me that they were following up some more statements from people that she had given names of. This is to do with the fact that she has said to police that there was a time 5 years or so ago that I had assaulted my wife in our home. We had had a row late one night after I had been out and I threw some things in the bedroom and a jar had hit her off the wall. My wife had told some of our close friends and family about it and I too as I was disgusted in my behaviour that night.
    This has no relevance to my step daughters allegations against me but the police what to question my wife about it as she has said to them that I have never physically assaulted her.
    We don't know what to make of this as the police asked my wife to go in and make a statement and while she was there they told her to go away and think about what's she wants to say.
    They said to her that they have statements from friends or family(not sure who or any in fact) and if she denies our row took place then it will look like she is lying to cover me about my step daughter saying to the police that she had confided in my wife and oldest step daughter about the sexual abuse, which she never did speak to them about and they both are addiment about it.
    My phone that was taken by the police has come back and they are happy there is nothing on it. They are still waiting for my laptop to come back.
    Is my wife better to have a solicitor present when she makes her statement? She just feels that they are trying to blow things out of proportion and she is not good at being put on the spot. The he police contacted her today and asked if she was available to come in and she told them that she needs a couple of days as she has just been to the doctor to get help with sleeping as she is struggling to cope with this.
    Any advise grately appreciated.


    • #17
      I am afraid that the police, doubtless on the instigation of the CPS are trying to stain your character (it is one of the unfairness of these cases that they are allowed to do this whereas if there was anything similar against your stepdaughter it would not be allowed to be disclosed on the basis there is no relevance to the allegation)

      There is not much you can do about this, your wife will have to make a statement about the incident, however as you didn't directly strike her (or aim for her!) then I don't think an assault charge will stick.

      If your wife is to be interviewed then it would be best to have a solicitor present, otherwise I would suggest she composes a pre-prepared statement about the incident, perhaps in consultation with a solicitor, and simply signs this in the presence of the police officer. This will avoid them putting her on the spot and perhaps twisting her words.
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

