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girl is so stupid

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  • girl is so stupid

    hey there new to this , i stay in scotland so sorry for anyone who cant understand my writting lol anyhow here it goes

    its been about 4 month now that i was faulsely accused of rape this is not been the first case thou i have also had 2 other faulse accuations but nothing has procceded from them because there is no evidence at all .

    so i was taken from my work and the end of august and taken to a police station , i was then read my rights and so on , the night before i meet up with a girl i knew from school and we spoke for a bit on facebook i then started to talk about sex and that and it gave me the idea she wanted to have sex so i said do you want to meet up tomorow for sex and then later replied yes so we arranged to meet up about a 5 mins walk away from my house and she probs lives about a 30mins walk to where we were metting , i then meet up with here and we arranged to go into a bush ( ano its bad but nowhere else to go ) i then got oral sex and foreplay and then later on went to have sex i had sex with her for 5 mins then ejaulted into the condom i was using then i put another condom on and had sex for like another 5 mins then stopped we then went out the bush and i had to go home to get my dinner so we said our good byes and left then radomly the following day i got arrested from my work and got taken to the police station the took dna and dna from my penis and that , so cut along story short a got realised on bail and was given a curfew 7 days a week 7 till 7 from now on i meet up with my lawyer and her stupid story was that i didnt use a condom i assulted her forced her into sex and we only meet up to have a chat ,----------- so now not only is she so stupid but the police went to get her phone and facebook password and she said what for and they wanted to see these messages but she told them she deleted them but the funny thing is ave still got all of them plus she was later examined and NO FORCED ENTRY NO MARKS NO BRUISING NOTHING AT ALL , ---------- to the curfew the police only came the first week and havent been since them its now been just under 4 months ,,, got a metting with my avaget next wednesday any advice or questions please guys thanks alot THE TRUTH IS LIKE A LION YOU DONT HAVE TO DEFEND IT , IT WILL DEFEND ITS SELF

  • #2
    You are going to be facing some real problems.

    I would imagine that the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) will be looking in detail at all 3 allegations. They will be looking to tie them together using The Moorov Doctrine (

    Be aware that the Wiki article is NOT up-to-date. The appeal courts found in the appeal by 'Matthew Ramage' delivered on the 16th of January 2013 that 'the lesser could corroborate the greater' meaning that the prosecutor can now easily use the 'Moorov Doctrine' to bring a prosecution.

    You may 'think' that there is no evidence but having been there and worn the T-shirt I can assure you that 'evidence' has MANY forms and the 'Moorov Doctrine' is a very powerful finding in law that has gradually had its power increased throughout the decades.

    The evidence that you have just now (facebook etc) 'could' save your bacon in the present allegation. Ensure 100% that you give this to your solicitor (screen shots printed off) and also give him any other information that you have be it literally giving him your phone!

    The medical findings will be regarded as 'inconclusive'. They do NOT mean you are innocent and that it never happened just that there is no confirmed findings.

    The Police will have no issues getting access to information. Simply 'deleting' stuff does not REALLY delete it, forensic computer specialists will still be able to retrieve it. Hell, Facebook probably keep all the info anyway!

    Share YOUR information with your legal team. Do not run to the Police with it, it'll do you no favours if you give them it.

    You're facing one hell of a journey ahead. It appears that you have not been charged although it seems you have been, could you clarify?

    One little piece of advice. Do not under any circumstances meet up with any females in the meantime and certainly not for sex in bushes. Getting 'caught' having sex in a bush would almost certainly land you (and anyone else caught doing similar) in court in its own right never mind what you will be facing soon.

    If you are meeting with your Advocate then preparations are underway for an Indictment to be served and a trial by Jury in the High Court. Rape is an indictable offence so legal aid grants access to an Advocate as a matter of process, the Advocate being involved at this stage does not indicate that there is definitely going to be a trial.

    On the face of it I cannot see why there won't be a trial but you do live in hope that there isn't. If there is then you will need to spend considerable time ensuring that your attitude and appearance are acceptable to a jury or you'll sentence yourself without opening your mouth. It's the jury that will have the power. From reading your opening post it seems that you've more or less 'used' the girl and even if she was 100% consenting and willing I can see her seeking some form of revenge when she thinks about things and realises she's been used.

    On a side note, do your accusers know each other?

    As for 'Truth'. You will be entering a court of LAW, truth is not of importance in that building or in front of that jury. Any sign of arrogance or even guilt, no matter whether it is meant or not, will have you led away in handcuffs.

    We are here to help you and I hope you do not take what I have posted as in anyway confrontational or 'side taking'. You have found this place, signed up and managed to post your thread. You're clearly doing things correctly and obviously beginning to get anxious. We can all help you with this and all the rest that's going to come. At times we may seem harsh or judgemental but you do need to see things from different angles and views. I certainly mean you no harm and I am worried what your future may hold. I faced exactly what you will be facing shortly and I was luckily dealt a very odd reprieve which even then has not 'saved' the me that was. Nobody comes out the other end undamaged.
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #3

      Do not piss around with bail conditions.

      The Police WILL come checking, even if it's just randomly when they're quiet and in the area.

      They love nothing more than catching people in breach of bail.

      Stick to the bail conditions.
      Wow... A signature option!


      • #4
        good posts Lawless - it never does to be complacent over matters as serious as this.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5

          thanks very much for getting back to me ill answer a couple of questions you asked

          my phone was taken off me when i went to the police station

          the other 2 allegations were freinds with each other and also and the first person who made the alegation was there when supposily the second allegation was made so i dont understand if someone raped you why would you go round to the boys house with your freind ,

          also in the police station they did arrested me on the 3 rd allegation .

          i know alot of people of this forum are thinking holy nick 3 allegations but i word of advice for everyone out there doing there one night stands dont make it out to be prince charming one night then the other just blank and use then cause it will kick you in your arse in the future thanks


          • #6
            Originally posted by ryan12 View Post
            thanks very much for getting back to me ill answer a couple of questions you asked

            my phone was taken off me when i went to the police station

            the other 2 allegations were freinds with each other and also and the first person who made the alegation was there when supposily the second allegation was made so i dont understand if someone raped you why would you go round to the boys house with your freind ,

            also in the police station they did arrested me on the 3 rd allegation .

            i know alot of people of this forum are thinking holy nick 3 allegations but i word of advice for everyone out there doing there one night stands dont make it out to be prince charming one night then the other just blank and use then cause it will kick you in your arse in the future thanks
            It may be difficult to believe but there are plenty on here that have faced far worse...

            The Police may have passed the 2 originals off as a kind of 'get one over' conspiracy against you and indeed the prosecution could potentially have seen some issues with attempting to prosecute. The third one could well be the easiest to disprove BUT when it's tied to the original 2 it kind of adds strength to all 3. The prosecution will now be looking at a repeat pattern of behaviour across two seperate people (1st + 2nd together and then 3rd being seperated) and that 'enables' them to justify in their own minds that 'something' is wrong.

            It will take quite an effort to persuade a jury so your legal team is going to need to be good. How did you find them?
            Wow... A signature option!


            • #7
              it was the first time i have been in trouble with the police so i didnt know who , so i was given a lawyer but after i was realsed the 3 rd time i checked up on the lawyer and he has dealt with these things before thanks


              • #8
                I may be wrong, but it appears to me that you think you have nothing to worry about - the police aren't there to disprove this girls story for you, they are going to prove that you did commit an offence.

                May I suggest that you get a decent legal representative - you are going to need one.
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

