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Son Falsely accused of rape

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  • Son Falsely accused of rape

    Hi All,

    just to say in June last year my 18 son was falsely accused of rape June last year. What a shock it was for us all and him knowing the person. He had been to party with her and her family and her boyfriend and others and came home later that night saying she had gone off with her boyfriend. Then the following morning she rang him and said she was sorry for leaving but could they go for a drink sometime soon.

    Then with in 12 hours of that call the police called early hours and arrested him and told him what Suspicion of rape. He was held there nearly 20 hours and came out with a bail notice to answer the following month. In the mean time my son was getting so confused saying how can a friend do this to me.

    His bail date was nearly due and the police called again and told him things where looking good for him and they wanted to extend his bail another 4 weeks just to check things over.

    So then as time was getting nearer for his next bail call was he went on holiday and 4 days before he was due to answer it they rang up and wanted a number to contact him as everything was confiscated phone, computer, clothes. He then said he was closing the case end of. We all went to see the solicitor who had said lack of evidence. In-between that time she had been putting on f/b that justice has finally be done only now was she accusing her boyfriend of the same thing.

    On monday the police rang to talk to my son just to say that the finalization of my sons case and it was good news for my son as it wouldn't show up on his crb. What i can't understand is why close a case in August and then ring up and say this would'nt show up on his crb ...... this is 5 months down the line.

    Hence i did thing it strange as her so called b/friend has been sent down now.

    so he's now going to be so weary of girls hes sees no wrong in anyone.
    Last edited by Casehardened; 8 January 2014, 09:35 PM. Reason: split into paragraphs to make it easier to read

  • #2
    I would potentially contact the boyfriend and enquire as to who his legal team is. If he pled Not Guilty and was found guilty by a jury after trial then your son could be KEY to a successful appeal for the boy!!!

    As for your interest in why the Police would feel the need to contact you. I really do have no idea. They work in mysterious ways.

    If you know the circumstances surrounding what happened to her boyfriend then you could very well find the answer there. Mistaken identity?

    As for your boy being wary of girls. It's a defensive position and not a particularly bad one to have in the present climate. It's sad that he finds himself in that position but it may protect him from exposing himself to any further false allegations. Any further allegations against him will be taken far more seriously.

    Time is a good healer. He WILL find his 'one' in the future and hopefully live happily ever after. I am sorry that he has had to experience what he has and it is cruel but at least it didn't make it into a courtroom or to him finding himself innocently convicted...
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #3
      falsely accused

      Thanks for your reply nice to know people do understand the trauma of this. I don't think for one minute it was mistaken identity as it did appear in our local paper saying the date and it happened a week after she accused my son. As the date was there to see and also it was in a different place. It just annoys me so much how she can do this of course what was said in the paper this week did seem alarming of what had actually happened but some of the things which were printed did ring a bell of what she had said my son had done as well. Penetration of sex. But she also told the police how my son had got her pregnant and how she had to get rid of it. This was all a lie as my son had never had sex with her. I'm lucky in the respect that I can talk to my son. I just wish there was a way that she could be nailed for the allegations she made against my son the system stinks to high heaven. I do understand the police have to do there job if she made an allegation, but to accuse someone else the following week of the same offence. She's either crying out for help or attention seeking. and to even post on face book when this boy was being charged to tall ever body to buy the so called paper and to go to the page number, I know she didn't name him but it was there for everyone to see. And to tell everyone how bad it's been for her. She doesn't realise the extent of damage she has done to my son and I know he's got to try and put it at the back of his mind. Like he said to me how humiliating it was for him to be medically examined. That will never go away. I will keep coming in here and reading everyone's post as it does give you comfort knowing your not on your own. Cheers everyone.


      • #4
        Your son is the key to having her boyfriend the chance of a successful appeal!

        If her boyfriend was to have a successful appeal then your son could push for a 'No Crime' as oppose to 'No Further Action'. I am assuming here that a NFA is what he received?

        Your son is 'fresh evidence' if what happened to him was not available (unknown) to the boyfriends defence team at trial, if it went to trial.

        Do not expect the Police to EVER act in anyones best interests. They may very well be nice and kind to you because they KNOW the implications that the knowledge your boy has would render their conviction of the boyfriend unsafe.

        If the boyfriend was to successfully appeal his sentence then just imagine how 'happy' his accuser would then be... Those facebook posts wouldn't be quite so easily made then......
        Wow... A signature option!


        • #5

          Just dawned on me........ She may cave into external pressures and admit that she made everything up and then end up in jail herself.

          Your boy would then be completely and utterly unquestionably cleared of any wrong doing or suspicion of wrong doing.

          He could then be comforted by the fact he was simply a victim of a twisted and weird female which was PROVEN to be the case rather than left to hang around his neck with only him being absolutely certain of his innocence.

          Overall, that would be the best to come from an absolutely terrible position. You and your boy could be the key.
          Wow... A signature option!


          • #6
            falsely accused

            Hi again, Just read the paper again and her boyfriend pleaded guilty to sexual assault not rape. . The thing I cannot understand though why was it not rape if he had tied her up. Maybe she agreed and it all got out of hand. And also the day in question when she accused my son she was there with her family and boyfriend. So at a guess i would have thought they all would have been questioned as they would have been witnesses. Sorry for giving wrong information.


            • #7
              Originally posted by supercalli View Post
              Hi again, Just read the paper again and her boyfriend pleaded guilty to sexual assault not rape. . The thing I cannot understand though why was it not rape if he had tied her up. Maybe she agreed and it all got out of hand. And also the day in question when she accused my son she was there with her family and boyfriend. So at a guess i would have thought they all would have been questioned as they would have been witnesses. Sorry for giving wrong information.
              Pleading guilty puts things in a different ball park...

              There could be a film/book/friend or something else that 'happened' in her life that suddenly made her see things from a differing perspective than what she had done previously. She could very well have been abused by the boyfriend.

              It could also be that the boyfriend pleaded to the lesser to avoid the possibility of facing the greater...

              Lots of speculation...

              Your boy could've been used, wrongly, as a conduit for her to attempt to tell the truth. It's rather sickening but it could very well be a step towards attempting to understand.

              I suppose nobody will ever know.

              Your boy is all that matters to you. You still have him, he's innocent and he has a future. Comforting him and giving him space is all that's really possible. Hoping that he finds himself a lovely girl and settles down to a great life is where you should be. I'd forget what's happened and only approach the subject if an 'issue' arises with any 'checks' OR if your boy wants to spend some time with you sharing his thoughts.
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              • #8
                Thanks again for your response I said it before and i will say it again it is nice to know there are caring people out here. Keep up the good work as it does bring comfort to people. Thank you for your times


                • #9

                  I made a lot of assumptions...

                  We're all here to help each other. All of us have been through an ordeal or another, some are unlucky enough to still be facing theirs.

                  The aftermath really is, in my opinion, the hardest part. So many questions left unanswered and feelings left raw. Time is a great healer though. Others around you comforting you helps greatly too.

                  I may not have provided anything other than a very very narrow and assuming view. I am sure others will no doubt add to it over time and potentially be more helpful. Busy time of year for most people so a little quiet on here just now.

                  Wow... A signature option!

