I live in the us so the justice system might be a little different then in the uk. Anyway, I am going out of my freakin mind. Without going into a lot of detail Iv been accused of touching a little kid innaproprietly. I dont know if he just plane made it up or been coached by a family member. This happened little over a week ago. I didnt tell anyone because I thought they would see it wasnt true. But today I found a FB post seriously slandering me giving my name and phone number. And of course a recount of their events that arent true. Iv worked hard for what iv got, EMT, firefighter, reserve cop, community volunteer. Now iv been suspended from everything. Iv talked to a few friends and finaly had to tell my parents. They all seem supportive but I cant help feeling judged. I dont know how the investigation is going. I do have a lawyer. Im going crazy, stressed, worried, angry, confused. I cant eat. I dont want to go outside. I just want to lay in bed and sleep this nightmare away. Any advise or just some understanding would be helpfull.
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Falsely accused of lewd act
Originally posted by GoingCrazy View PostI live in the us so the justice system might be a little different then in the uk. Anyway, I am going out of my freakin mind. Without going into a lot of detail Iv been accused of touching a little kid innaproprietly. I dont know if he just plane made it up or been coached by a family member. This happened little over a week ago. I didnt tell anyone because I thought they would see it wasnt true. But today I found a FB post seriously slandering me giving my name and phone number. And of course a recount of their events that arent true. Iv worked hard for what iv got, EMT, firefighter, reserve cop, community volunteer. Now iv been suspended from everything. Iv talked to a few friends and finaly had to tell my parents. They all seem supportive but I cant help feeling judged. I dont know how the investigation is going. I do have a lawyer. Im going crazy, stressed, worried, angry, confused. I cant eat. I dont want to go outside. I just want to lay in bed and sleep this nightmare away. Any advise or just some understanding would be helpfull.
Firstly, I am sorry to hear what you are going through and I can honestly sympathise. Its only natural that you feel 'judged' and its something I am currently coping with every day. It is really good that you have a support team around you e.g. your friends and family, at the end of the day it is what they think that counts.. nothing else!
I would advise that you find your self a lawyer that his dealings with allegations of this nature and perhaps detail the "slandering" on facebook that you mentioned. I know this topic is ever evolving and there are new laws popping up every day.. im not sure what they are in the U.S.. but maybe something can be done about it. Best thing to do is not to retaliate to anything on FB.. ignore it and show the police/laywer.
My last piece of advice.... is that you must fight with every ounce of strength, you will feel low, you will feel like you want to hide away from the world.. but you must stand tall and fight it. When you feel low, post on the forum and we will be here to support you.
This place has really helped me to focus at times and pick me up, there are really good people here.. myhome, canitgetworse, rightsfighter and so many others.
All the best to you.
Originally posted by Innocentguy1983 View Post. Best thing to do is not to retaliate to anything on FB.. ignore it and show the police/lawyer.
IG has given great advice, but I would urge caution on showing anything to the police. If yours are anything like ours (and having watched "The Interrogation of Michael Crowe" recently then I'd say they are) they are not interested in proving innocence, only in getting a conviction and will used a variety of dubious methods to get it...anything you have which you think will help you must be given to your legal team. Screenshot the FB posts and save them electronically somewhere where plod can't get them if they decide to seize your electronic stuff.
The emotions and feelings you will be going through are probably very similar to those experienced by all of us on here - absolutely awful and certainly the worst I've ever had - great swings of emotional highs and lows to the very depths of despair; nausea, lack of sleep, unable to eat, wanting to hide away and on and on....many of us have found medication and our family doc a great help and support, along with the community mental health team...try to keep strong - the feelings do gradually lessen.
keep posting and we'll support you all we can....
(PS - thanks for your kind words IG)MH
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Thanks IG - your words have surprised me - I mostly feel totally inefficient in the support I give.
Hi GC - sorry you are in this hellish situation. The feelings you have described are exactly as most people feel in these situations. And it is certainly very difficult feeling like this most days. But there are no other options. You are fortunate that you have good family but I know many days where I still feel a sense of 'I'm in this on my own and no-one else understands'. Then I come on here and realise other are feeling exactly the same. I'm not sure if that helps you/me/anyone but it is slightly comforting to know you're not on your own in any way.
Try to gain strength from somewhere - you will, even though you don't know how you have done it.
Take Care.
Originally posted by GoingCrazy View PostIm still in a downward spiral. Iv got friends thats supporting me but Im constantly looking over mt shoulder. I think iv got ptsd. Every pump or noise makes me jump and my heart race. Sorry Im just venting.
have you visited your family doctor yet as it would seem to me that anti-anxiety medication and/or counselling would certainly help you and would help to stop this downward trend (I don't go anywhere without diazepam - 'just in case' )"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh