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Help me, am in hell

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Frankie View Post
    so why on earth did it take her 2 years to report me for rape???....i know why and it's simple but would the police and the CPS have the same conclusion??
    As I've often said when anyone asks this, imagine the reaction you would get were you to go to the police station wanting to report a burglary that had happened two years ago; the first question would be "why didn't you call it in straight away", followed by "any evidence will have long disappeared, there's nothing we can do now"

    I'm afraid that the government have set very wide goalposts for the police for sexual offences in relation to any other type of offences and I'm equally afraid that the general public and the media are to blame for this (bearing in mind that the vast majority haven't as yet been affected by a false accusation)
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #32
      Originally posted by Frankie View Post
      So if i understand cleary your message it means that i'm going to be charged???....sorry to ask you these questions but as you already know i am scared to death.

      Hi F, I didn't realise you had already paid to ensure sol. would be there.

      What I was trying to say was: Sol will probably NOT want to attend if it is going to be re-bail or NFA. Police will notify sol in advance, so that sol can decide whether he/she attends. Obviously there is no need for him/her to attend unless a 'charge' is going to be made.

      However, you have already paid for this service.

      I did not intend my message to imply you are going to be charged - sorry if I misled you in way?

      Best Wishes.


      • #33

        You don't have to apologise for your comments, i am grateful for all your support and priceless information given on that forum. The reason why i paid was because i am INNOCENT and i want the best (lawyer) for me, being very emotional lately i thought having her on my side will help me to calm down and not telling anything stupid to the police.
        I am going to the police station tonight at 21.00 with her, my sister and best friend, hoping to clear my name, am very nervous, did not sleep at all last night, am at work since 05.15 til 14.15 then have to wait the all afternoon like a lion in a cage.

        Fingers crossed.

        Originally posted by can it get worse View Post
        Hi F, I didn't realise you had already paid to ensure sol. would be there.

        What I was trying to say was: Sol will probably NOT want to attend if it is going to be re-bail or NFA. Police will notify sol in advance, so that sol can decide whether he/she attends. Obviously there is no need for him/her to attend unless a 'charge' is going to be made.

        However, you have already paid for this service.

        I did not intend my message to imply you are going to be charged - sorry if I misled you in way?

        Best Wishes.


        • #34

          Something i wanted to add to my case is last night my lovely future ex wife has admitted to my friend that i did NOT rape her but he did not record it on his phone as she took him by surprise when she admited does not make me feel better but it just proved once again that i am innocent....



          • #35
            Originally posted by Frankie View Post

            Something i wanted to add to my case is last night my lovely future ex wife has admitted to my friend that i did NOT rape her but he did not record it on his phone as she took him by surprise when she admited does not make me feel better but it just proved once again that i am innocent....

            Your 'friend' should now be regarded as your BEST friend.

            Pass the name on to your solicitor. They are now a defence witness.

            Try not to speak with them in the intervening period until your solicitor has advised. Don't refer to them, YET, as you best friend.


            As for the reasons. Divorces become tit for tat. 18 years, a house, boys etc... She'll want EVERYTHING as it's all hers........ She'll not want you upsetting her life. What she's done is destroy yours. She'll blame you entirely for it all. She'll justify everything that she's done as she invested the best years of her life in the marriage and then messed it up at the end but it's YOUR fault, not hers.

            The above is an attempt at reasoning. A bad one I know and by no means to be taken in any personal manner.

            I feel extremely pissed off that someone like you is having to face this. You have ranted and raved a little but shown no true hatred or spite. You've conducted yourself almost perfectly considering what is being done to you. Any woman would be bloody lucky to have you. Wish I could have kept myself so calm and collected in so far as my situation was concerned. Some of the things I could say even now... Life left in tatters and mind mangled beyond belief.
            Wow... A signature option!


            • #36
              To add to Lawlessone's very sound advice don't be tempted to mention this at the police station tonight. Almost certainly the OIC will re-interview your ex regarding this admission, no idea what excuse she will come up with but the element of surprise, should the case get to court, will have been lost.
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • #37

                Result: not guilty of rape, only a caution for common
       to go home (but I won't tonight) and
                Free to see and talk to my boys....
                Thanks you so much guys for your priceless
       hell is now almost over, time for the divorce
                My new flat and a hopefully a happier life..


                Ps: I ll still be in touch and if I can help I will..


                • #38
                  Brilliant news and well done for enduring the ordeal.....

                  Very best wishes for your future.
                  'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                  • #39
                    Are you implying that the Police dropped the rape?

                    Merely a caution for a common assault as in 'you provided evidence to them so really you had to accept it'?

                    Looks like there's been a sensible Police investigation for once in my lifetime!!!

                    Buy a boat! Flats are fixed to the ground...

                    Wow... A signature option!


                    • #40
                      Excellent news Frankie.

                      Enjoy your sons visits but always beware of her.

                      Happy New Year
                      Non,je ne regrette rien.


                      • #41

                        As you already know they did not charge me for the false rape, only a caution for common assault which is a fantastic news as far as i am concerned.
                        To talk about my wife again, not i don't hate her, she is the mother of my boys and to be fair we had good times during our 20 years relationship.
                        She lost the plot and made that awful accusation against me, why???0.. i guess i will never know but i will never forgive her and she will have to spend the rest of her life with that lie in her mind.
                        I'm just so glad i am now free to see and talk to my boys, got a meeting with her tomorrow to talk about the divorce, i have to be "cool" for her to agree with what i'd like (a fair offer, trust me)...
                        Thanks you anyway for your comments and support.

                        Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                        Your 'friend' should now be regarded as your BEST friend.

                        Pass the name on to your solicitor. They are now a defence witness.

                        Try not to speak with them in the intervening period until your solicitor has advised. Don't refer to them, YET, as you best friend.


                        As for the reasons. Divorces become tit for tat. 18 years, a house, boys etc... She'll want EVERYTHING as it's all hers........ She'll not want you upsetting her life. What she's done is destroy yours. She'll blame you entirely for it all. She'll justify everything that she's done as she invested the best years of her life in the marriage and then messed it up at the end but it's YOUR fault, not hers.

                        The above is an attempt at reasoning. A bad one I know and by no means to be taken in any personal manner.

                        I feel extremely pissed off that someone like you is having to face this. You have ranted and raved a little but shown no true hatred or spite. You've conducted yourself almost perfectly considering what is being done to you. Any woman would be bloody lucky to have you. Wish I could have kept myself so calm and collected in so far as my situation was concerned. Some of the things I could say even now... Life left in tatters and mind mangled beyond belief.


                        • #42
                          Thanks a lot, time to enjoy 2014!!!
                          Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
                          Excellent news Frankie.

                          Enjoy your sons visits but always beware of her.

                          Happy New Year


                          • #43

                            Yes, either the police or my wife dropped the a caution for common assault which is a great glad to see and talk to my boys again....i hope everyone in that forum could be as relieved as i am now...
                            Thank you so much for your support..

                            Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                            Are you implying that the Police dropped the rape?

                            Merely a caution for a common assault as in 'you provided evidence to them so really you had to accept it'?

                            Looks like there's been a sensible Police investigation for once in my lifetime!!!

                            Buy a boat! Flats are fixed to the ground...


                            • #44
                              Great news F,

                              And great for the happiness for your sons. Hope they haven't been too affected by this.

                              Hope you can proceed with your separation smoothly.

                              Best Wishes.

