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False historical allegation

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  • False historical allegation

    Hi i was wondering if anybody could help? Back at the beginning of february (this year ) i received a telephone call to attend the police station for a voluntary interview under caution,which i attended with a solicitor.The interview was recorded and i was released with no charge(which i think is down to the cps) and with no bail conditions.The letter from the solicitor i received a couple of days later said he would be intouch in 2 months time to keep me appraised of the case but i have heard nothing.It's the released with no bail conditions that im puzzled about has anyone heard of this before? thanks, and apologies if i have posted in the wrong place

  • #2
    Hi and welcome - sorry you had to find us. I too have been interviewed under caution, not arrested or charged or bailed - that was November 15th 2012!!! (Historical case, now being delayed waiting for plod in another country to interview exbf who is also implicated). OIC won't talk to me and has told HR at work this could be delayed for up to another year (from May this year).......keep strong
    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh

