Hi IG, This last period before trial is rubbish (as is all of the FA experience). I've been there with my partner who received a quick NG verdict.
Our last few weeks passed slowly with much discussion about the strong defence. However the scariness of a negative outcome was constantly on my mind.
Luckily we are busy with family commitments which assisted in making time pass. However my mind was still running overtime. Exhaustion helped get some sleep at nights.
I guess my only advice is that you need to try to keep occupied (as MH has already advised)
But also try to take comfort that the jury are made up of normal people. You state that you have a great defence team. This seems to be paramount in FA cases where it is one person word against another. The truth will come out and the liar will trip up.
Wising you lots of strength for the next 2 weeks. Keep posting.
Our last few weeks passed slowly with much discussion about the strong defence. However the scariness of a negative outcome was constantly on my mind.
Luckily we are busy with family commitments which assisted in making time pass. However my mind was still running overtime. Exhaustion helped get some sleep at nights.
I guess my only advice is that you need to try to keep occupied (as MH has already advised)
But also try to take comfort that the jury are made up of normal people. You state that you have a great defence team. This seems to be paramount in FA cases where it is one person word against another. The truth will come out and the liar will trip up.
Wising you lots of strength for the next 2 weeks. Keep posting.
