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Bit pants that it arrived so early in the New Year!
It does provide some relief though to actually receive some information although that relief is quickly replaced with other thoughts...
Films, where would we be with them? And books of course.........
You'll need to read through them quite a few times and formulate your thoughts and look for avenues to explore. I'm only now, several months after proceedings against me were ended, beginning to be able to understand anything that happened or the reasons why....... Having to face it all, analyse and understand it, deal with it and come out the other end would simply be inconceivable for me now! I have no idea how it was managed at the time and I doubt I'd be able to do it again...
I hope you've had a reasonably relaxing festive period and have managed to get some charge back in the batteries.
The more time you give, the more holes will appear. For you to see gaping holes in the first and second read throughs is a positive thing. There will be far more that havent yet jumped out at you
It wont be at all unusual for you to deflate after reading these vile allegations against you in print. Take a day or two to ride those waves that will come and know that you can come here to vent whenever and we will listen and be there.
The more time you give, the more holes will appear. For you to see gaping holes in the first and second read throughs is a positive thing. There will be far more that havent yet jumped out at you
It wont be at all unusual for you to deflate after reading these vile allegations against you in print. Take a day or two to ride those waves that will come and know that you can come here to vent whenever and we will listen and be there.
I agree.
When I initially heard my solicitor had received copies of the statements I hurried on down there for them to be read to me (don't ask, something about legal aid and Scottish law or something). Some news was good news in a strange way.
I left the place outraged!
It was only over time that things settled. I always jumped when there was something 'fresh' ready for analysis though! It was drip fed so I suppose your 'down' is bigger than my many 'little falls'... When you get back up though it should be easier and quicker and more satisfying as you'll not be going down again and again and again in little pieces.
Read read read. Take notes, compose rebuttals and present it all to the 'team'. Have them analyse it and then construct the full and finished defence. Obviously things always take a 'turn' at trial but with a well prepared defence I am certain you'll be fine.
The more time you give, the more holes will appear. For you to see gaping holes in the first and second read throughs is a positive thing. There will be far more that havent yet jumped out at you
It wont be at all unusual for you to deflate after reading these vile allegations against you in print. Take a day or two to ride those waves that will come and know that you can come here to vent whenever and we will listen and be there.
I third that.
When I read the final disclosure after having a few hints during the plea and case management,I felt sick,hopeless,... and thought I wouldn't be able to contradict so many pages of destroying lies.
I left it for a week and read it again,then a few days and again.It became easier to read and find lies.
I started to write on it and had to buy a notebook as I could peel it more and more.
Last I became organised and wrote next to my writting the page,paragrah,line number,timing,...
(Keep a pad near you at night,you don't want to wake up and forget something).
Effort pays and the most important you must remember is:You don't have the choice.
At the end of the day the evidence really boils down to her word against mine. She says I did it, Im saying that's not true.
This is very often the case - especially in historic cases. It was the case in billkickass's trial (I went to some of it) and was absolutely stunned when the judge said, "Miss X says she was raped by Mr BKA. This is her evidence" WHAT????? this isn't "evidence" as I understood it. It is a statement.
"Mr BKA say he didn't rape her. This is his evidence"
The trial was based on her word against his - HA - she lost. Billy got NG on both counts....
So - take heart, just because she has said you did, doesn't make it the truth and it is defendable as BKA's case (and others) has shown....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
I haven't been on for a little while, I have been very busy with work.
I was supposed to have my Plea hearing 2 weeks ago, but it was cancelled the day before I was supposed to go. The prosecutor couldn't make it... It made me so angry as I psyched my self up to go. Anyway, this is the joy of crown court... I am now going this Monday coming.. fun!
On a positive, I managed to find the strength within to tell the company I work for... and I was so surprised by the response that I got.. when I told my boss, he just thought it was a complete bunch of rubbish and said he will do what ever possible to help.. he spoke to the HR department who also... was behind me 100%... I was in such shock...They are going to write me a character reference, which the barrister can pass to the judge and jury so it is kept private from the press if they are there... (I work for quite a well known company)
But hay... what a positive for me.. as I was sooo worried, to the point it was making me sick!
I have got some lovely character references back and my best man has already contradicted one of the accusers statements about "the abuse happened every weekend".. My best mate at the time said he stayed round my house 50% of the time when we were younger.. and he never saw her when he was round...
There are lots of gaping holes forming and Im prepared now to fight...
It is just such a horrible process.. a long process and my heart goes out to all the family's going through this.
Trials end of April, same time as Rolfs I think!
If mr roache and mr travis can be found not guilty with multiple people accusing them.. lets hope I can with 1 person!!
So I went to the plea hearing today, I was at crown court for my ten o'clock appointment. But I didn't get in till 11.30. There was a verdict of a trial happening so I had to wait... The guy who was waiting was sat by me... He was so nervous... He was on his own... I felt so sorry for him... I told him to keep his chin up... But there was nothing else I could do
I put my plea's in of all not guilty trial at the end of April, it might be around 5 days now. Max that is anyway... The accuser is going to give evidence behind a screen... I don't even get to look her in the eye...
From what at I understand
Day 1 her evidence
Day 2 her witnesses
Day 3 close of prosecution, opening of defence / my evidence
Day 4 my witnesses
Day 5 close of defence
I have been told the conviction rate is low, due to memories and proving did these things actually happen..
I'm awaiting now to see if my name will be in the paper tomorrow... Hopefully it won't.. They didn't read out my occupation or address during the plea.. Soo... Fingers crossed!
Back to work for another 9 weeks then... Let battle commence!!
I'm off to watch walking dead now... Speak to you soon
Love IG
P.S My home, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling down... If you ever need to chat send me a pm.. Big hugs for you xxxxx
Its only been a month since they questioned my friend and i found out about the accusations. and I already feel so tired worn out...I feel like breaking down
He doesnt have an alibi, did a few things that will make him look like a bad character, and doesnt haveany friends who could write letters about his character. She has everything and everybody under control - police, social services... I feel desperate as im sure he is going to be charged, and once charged they will not believe him.
I'm so scared of losing him
Well... I checked the local paper past few days and I'm not I there.... I am so surprised.. I thought for sure I would be in there... At least I can now work before the trial and not having to face people at work!
My mum got a letter from the court, she is to be a prosecution witness.. She doesn't know why...I told her just tell the truth, there is nothing to hide..
What I'm confused with, is I would like my mum as a defence witness... So... Will she have to be called up twice?
Well... I checked the local paper past few days and I'm not I there.... I am so surprised.. I thought for sure I would be in there... At least I can now work before the trial and not having to face people at work!
My mum got a letter from the court, she is to be a prosecution witness.. She doesn't know why...I told her just tell the truth, there is nothing to hide..
What I'm confused with, is I would like my mum as a defence witness... So... Will she have to be called up twice?
Hope everyone is ok.
Hi from my experience its possible that the CPS might be trying to play a dirty trick. They often put key defence witnesses on the prosecution witness list. Then when it comes to trial they don't receive a summons and its not till the last minute they realise that they are being dropped by the CPS. Then its too late for the defence to pick them up as they have to give notice to the court any potential defence witnesses. If your mum is on the prosecution witness list then your defence solicitor will not really want much communication with her. So its possible that your mum has some key evidence that the CPS don't want the court to hear and are trying to avoid her giving this evidence in court.
My partners trial starts Wednesday and they did this to me but luckily my partners pre trial hearing was adjourned and his barrister was able to put me forward as a defence witness and I'm being called. But if I had not rung the CPS witness unit last week asking wheres my summons I would not be giving key evidence in court this week. They said to me Im sorry we haven't notified you but you are no longer required as a witness. Dirty trick they tried to play but I caught them out thanks to rights fighters advice before xmas.