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My sons verdict NFA oh my god it was so surreal we phoned our sol to ask if he was going to meet us at the bail hearing and he said that they haven't asked him to be there. He presumed that they were just going to extend the bail but when we told him that the OIC said we could collect my sons phone and laptop he said he would phone them. By the time our sol had gotten an answer we were on our way to the station and my daughter phoned to say our sol had been advise that the OIC confirmed NFA. My husband couldn't and wouldn't believe it until he heard the OIC say it herself.
It pans out that the police felt they had enough evidence to send my sons case to the CPS for having sex with a minor the evidence being a boy that was a friend of the accuser and not a friend of my sons who said he was told by the accuser that my son had sex with her! The rape charge had been changed as she was inconsistent and I have a feeling that she backed down from this although the OIC didn't say so. The OIC said that the CPS felt there was not enough evidence and that it was not in the public interest to take it further.
One interesting thing the OIC said to my son, she said that the witness that was standing for the accuser was also a witness in another case and that there seemed to be a group of teenagers/young adults getting a kick out of this. To make it worse there is nothing the police can do as they have to accept each case and look into it!!!
On the bright side this is all over for us but I am humbled thinking of all of you that will be going through Xmas and beyond not knowing or fighting your cases. God bless guys and thank you for all your support x
Last edited by Casehardened; 14 December 2013, 06:29 AM.
Reason: to change 'NTU' to 'NFA'
Amazing news! Best Christmas present ever! ( Forgive my ignorance, what is NTU? ) A small group getting their kicks out of this particularly distasteful form of bullying and intimidations, hum.... I hope the police clamp down on them HARD!
In the meatime... here are your and your son's just deserts :
Hope you have a lovely Christmas and quickly get your lives back on track.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..