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Son falsely accused of rape by a minor

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  • #16
    Solicitor Advice

    Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
    MyHome attended the trial in Cornwall I mentioned where we got not guilty verdicts and she will be able to tell you how brilliant Tania QC is.
    Thank you for directing me to Chris I have spoken to him today and he is happy to take my case on once I know if it is going through to court. Chris does not seem to think that it will go through but obviously there are no guarantees. He feels that because we were offered a lesser charge and on what information I have given him he does not think there is a strong enough case. It is comforting to know there is someone there that has the knowledge to help.

    My son also feels comforted by this so even if it does go further, for now it lessons the worry slightly.

    Thank you once again


    • #17
      It's generally considered that when the police offer a caution when somebody is denying something, it's because they have a very weak case and it's unlikely to go anywhere - so to satisfy the Government's hunger for sexual offence convictions they will do the next best thing - try to get a caution. That means that the 'crime' has been 'detected'.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        Crime has been detected!

        Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
        It's generally considered that when the police offer a caution when somebody is denying something, it's because they have a very weak case and it's unlikely to go anywhere - so to satisfy the Government's hunger for sexual offence convictions they will do the next best thing - try to get a caution. That means that the 'crime' has been 'detected'.
        I am not sure what you mean by 'crime has been detected'!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
          MyHome attended the trial in Cornwall I mentioned where we got not guilty verdicts and she will be able to tell you how brilliant Tania QC is.
          I did indeed (billykickass's - you can read his story on here) and Tania was just amazing....I didn't see the whole trial due to work commitments - but Tania in action was something to behold. She completely destroyed the Police Officer through a very gentle line of questioning. None of billy's family, girlfriend or I could see where she was going with her questions - and then when she got all the answers from the Officer that she wanted (he was looking puzzled too) she went in with the killer question We could see the light dawn on his face and he just blanched cos he realised what she had done and he just HAD to give her the answer which he really didn't want to
          All the way through she was writing notes; she corrected the judge several times and would not sit down when the prosecuting barrister interrupted; she corrected him too. The judge also took notes all the time she was talking/questioning but didn't bother with the prosecuting barrister. She didn't get her nickname of, "The Rottweiler" for nothing!!!
          If my case ever gets that far - she's definitely the one I want....
          Billykickass got 2 Not Guilty verdicts.
          "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


          • #20
            If you want to chat at all hete for you i have a 17 year old we are going through similar his girlfriend has accused him we have had our bail exteneded till 20th december x


            • #21

              Originally posted by smokiejo View Post
              If you want to chat at all hete for you i have a 17 year old we are going through similar his girlfriend has accused him we have had our bail exteneded till 20th december x
              Sorry I haven't been on for a little while and thank you for the support.

              My sons bail is to 13th December and I am finding it hard to get into the christmas spirit, I love christmas normally but this is making me so depressed.

              Sorry I will have to come back another time.


              • #22
                Hi Coltay,
                I really feel for you. This is such a hard time of year to be going through this as we normally see it as a time of happiness and celebration which it's easy to feel excluded from. We spent 2 Christmases with it over our heads. The 1st one his bail was just after the Christmas festivities, and the 2nd one the trail followed.

                No time is a good time when you've been FA'd but I think the only way through this period is to get into it even if your heart isn't really there. Use it in whatever way you can to lift your spirits. You might also want to go and see your doctor to get some medication or take something homoeopathic such as Kalms. Talking about how you're feeling can be a great help, and if you've no-one close by there are some great help-lines out there and sometimes it's easier to speak to someone anonymously.

                Without trying to put more into it more than you can, I'm sure you'll all appreciate having as 'normal' a Christmas as possible.
                It won't always be like this, there will be another side to it, other Christmases to celebrate.
                Take care


                • #23
                  Just to say how sorry to hear of your son's situation. I'm glad you have received encouraging words from your sol.

                  It is very disturbing that there are so many FA's around trying to destroy others.

                  Christmas is a bad time with this hovering over you (& many of us on here). We will deal with it and get through it as there is no other option.

                  Stay strong.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Coltay View Post
                    I am not sure what you mean by 'crime has been detected'!
                    A crime that's been 'detected' is one that's been put to bed. So a caution is considered to be a 'detection' as it's been 'sorted out' with an admission of guilt of sorts.... otherwise they are 'undetected' which means a smack on the hand for the officer who has failed to resolve them....
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #25
                      Right and and white no such thing,

                      I have found out from the officer in charge that my sons case has gone to CPS

                      My husband spoke to her (OIC) yesterday and said that it is out of their hands now but we should be able to get my sons laptop and phone back as there was nothing on both of them. This contradicts what she said previously as she said that we couldn't have them back because if it goes to court the accuses sols will want them to do their own investigation.

                      I am not feeling so great at the moment....Madiba died yesterday which has nothing to do with this site but I lived in SA during and after appartite and Nelson Mandela was an amazing person who affected me deeply while I lived there God Bless him.


                      • #26
                        Cps dont rush my son was arrested end september and we are still waiting cps have had the case for a while had bail extended once was told last week that a decision has been made for us but has to be checked by a second solicitor to agree the cps decision hoping to hear this week his bail date is 20th the waiting is the worst and now feeling really nervous please stay strong here if you want to chat xx


                        • #27
                          'Going to the CPS' may sound intimidating and scary but, really, it is nothing. It really means absolutely nothing.

                          A report sent over to the CPS is simply the Police indicating that they've completed their investigations, gathered all the evidence that they can and are now passing the buck looking for whatever action that the CPS will take.

                          The fact that the Police offered the lesser possibility and this was refused will most likely be included in the report. For the Police not to be 'charge happy' kind of indicates that a charge won't lead to a realistic prospect of conviction. The refusal to accept the lesser, to me, shows complete innocence and I am sure the CPS will most likely work on the same principle although they do like to attempt to set sexual offenders (alleged and actual) as some form of deviant human being......

                          You've made a fantastic choice with regards to possible legal representation.

                          There really is little else you can do at this time. Get in the blooming Christmas mood! If it means taking your lovely boys door off and forcing him out of his den then DO IT! It'll not be long now and he'll be forced into the real world of suffering and servitude that is 'working life'. Don't go over the top with Christmas and turn it into an almost fake event, just celebrate and have a good time.

                          In your opening post you mentioned about bullying and studying and other things. From experience, things become easier at school towards the last couple of years when the 'thickos' drop out (I actually left at 16 so I could be classifying myself here!!!) and your boy would potentially have been more able to mix with his 'own'. I do however feel that you could be bypassing the possibility that your boy has some form of high functioning autism or aspergers. Do not under any circumstances feel that I am attempting to blend him into a group or single him out, my brother has it. It leads to immensely powerfully minded people but does show in the character traits that you described. Hell, I most likely have it as I have difficulty in social environments.

                          Do not answer the previous paragraph. Keep it in mind that your boy may genuinely be 'different'. I would feel that the word should really be 'gifted'. The thing that you need to be very very very careful about is that the Police will identify such traits and take advantage. The prosecution will do the same if they ever get the chance. The situation that your boy finds himself in could very well serve him extremely well in the future but be careful that he does not draw away into his shell too much. It is diabolical that he finds himself facing such malicious allegations but I am sure that he will come out of the other side a far stronger and more capable young man with his head squarely on his shoulders. With a mum like you milling away in the background I would have to say that the future is looking beyond positive for both him and also you. Be proud of your son and continue to support him through this trying time.
                          Wow... A signature option!


                          • #28
                            Feeling better

                            Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                            'Going to the CPS' may sound intimidating and scary but, really, it is nothing. It really means absolutely nothing.

                            A report sent over to the CPS is simply the Police indicating that they've completed their investigations, gathered all the evidence that they can and are now passing the buck looking for whatever action that the CPS will take.

                            The fact that the Police offered the lesser possibility and this was refused will most likely be included in the report. For the Police not to be 'charge happy' kind of indicates that a charge won't lead to a realistic prospect of conviction. The refusal to accept the lesser, to me, shows complete innocence and I am sure the CPS will most likely work on the same principle although they do like to attempt to set sexual offenders (alleged and actual) as some form of deviant human being......

                            You've made a fantastic choice with regards to possible legal representation.

                            There really is little else you can do at this time. Get in the blooming Christmas mood! If it means taking your lovely boys door off and forcing him out of his den then DO IT! It'll not be long now and he'll be forced into the real world of suffering and servitude that is 'working life'. Don't go over the top with Christmas and turn it into an almost fake event, just celebrate and have a good time.

                            In your opening post you mentioned about bullying and studying and other things. From experience, things become easier at school towards the last couple of years when the 'thickos' drop out (I actually left at 16 so I could be classifying myself here!!!) and your boy would potentially have been more able to mix with his 'own'. I do however feel that you could be bypassing the possibility that your boy has some form of high functioning autism or aspergers. Do not under any circumstances feel that I am attempting to blend him into a group or single him out, my brother has it. It leads to immensely powerfully minded people but does show in the character traits that you described. Hell, I most likely have it as I have difficulty in social environments.

                            Do not answer the previous paragraph. Keep it in mind that your boy may genuinely be 'different'. I would feel that the word should really be 'gifted'. The thing that you need to be very very very careful about is that the Police will identify such traits and take advantage. The prosecution will do the same if they ever get the chance. The situation that your boy finds himself in could very well serve him extremely well in the future but be careful that he does not draw away into his shell too much. It is diabolical that he finds himself facing such malicious allegations but I am sure that he will come out of the other side a far stronger and more capable young man with his head squarely on his shoulders. With a mum like you milling away in the background I would have to say that the future is looking beyond positive for both him and also you. Be proud of your son and continue to support him through this trying time.
                            Thank you so much for this you have made me feel so much better your an absolute gem to take the time to send me this message I have shown this to my son and it has made him feel more positive.
                            God bless


                            • #29
                              Hi Coltay,

                              Hope it goes well for your son and you when he has to attend for his bail.




                              • #30
                                D Day

                                The officer in charge has confirmed my sons bail date is Friday 4pm and said that she should be able to give us the CPS's answer.

                                She has also said that we can collect my sons computer and phone which I am confused with as originally she said we couldn't have them back in case it goes to court and the prosecution will want to do their own check!

                                My son is apprehensive but I have told him not to worry as nothing will happen before christmas. I only hope it is good news.

