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The Aftermath...

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  • The Aftermath...

    Well it's almost 48 hours since I got my NFA and to say it's been strange is an understatement.

    I imagined I would celebrate wildly but it isn't like that. There is nothing to celebrate. I didn't win anything, I just got my little piece of justice. Someone still tried to ruin my life, my marriage and my business. Now a sense of anger is starting to manifest itself. Anger that someone would do such a thing as make a false accusation.

    My hell was only 3 weeks long but it's changed my life forever. I'm going to erase negativity and focus on the good things ahead. It's all I can do. I know that anger is misplaced. My accuser may be mentally ill, I just don't know and I have no intention of finding out. My wife and friends supported me, people I've never met on this forum supported me and the nightmare is over.

    I don't really know what I'm rambling on about here. I just needed to get the thoughts out and writing is my way of doing it. I'm not gonna tell others going through their own hell that it's gonna be OK or not to worry because I know those words are impossible to take in when you're in the middle of the nightmare.

    I almost feel guilty for not suffering for as long as many of you guys. It's crazy but there is always hope. The only real scum are the false accusers.

    They have to live with what they've done long after the real victims (us) have moved on.

    Sergei x

  • #2
    Congratulations on your NFA, I'm so happy you've come through this and out the other side. Be prepared for some fairly heavy mood swings as you adjust over the next few months - its completely normal.

    Sadly I think you're slightly optimistic with the thought that your false accuser will have to 'live with themselves' they do not feel guilt for their actions, or understand what they have put us, or our families through. All they think about is themselves.

    Move on without them. You are a bigger person, and you got your justice xxxxx


    • #3
      It'll take a little while for you and your family to feel 'normal' again - I felt it rocked my fundamental beliefs and assumptions and increased my desire to marginalise myself from society. It also took the day-light out of day for me. But it came back!

      Don't feel guilty because other people's ordeal generally lasts much longer than yours did... your case is a glimmer of light in the darkness - a ray of hope. If all such cases could be handled by discerning un-biased and truly investigative police officers, most cases would be over very quickly, and the worry and heart-ache would be greatly shortened for many (as well as the tax-payers bill dramatically reduced) , so let's hope yours starts a trend.

      Bonne chance!


      • #4

        I can't advise on when the party starts as I'm still waiting myself a couple of months later but the actual raw tension does lift a little quite quickly.
        Wow... A signature option!


        • #5
          Congratulations Sergei!!

          Words can't describe the emotions and the hell you've been through. You give me hope that the truth does prevail despite how long it takes.


          • #6
            Congratulations Sergei on your NFA,
            I completely understand how you may feel about the reluctance to celebrate as you shouldn't have been put through this ordeal in the first place. But now you can try and put it past you and focus on your future. By the way good luck for the future!

