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Unsure what to do

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  • Unsure what to do

    Ok so last year i met this girl after splitting with my ex partner who i am now back with and supporting me through this

    i was roughly with this girl for four months (the accuser) i met her at a BBQ and was pretty much in bed with her with an hour, so anyway time had passed and we started seeing each other and she eventually told me she had been raped (should of left as soon as i heard this) anyway me being me tried to help this girl and offered to go to doctors for her to get help/advice but she wouldnt go claiming they would lock her up and give her medication.... so within the couple of months i was seeing her sex was awkward as i backed off and when we did have sex took it very slow always making sure she was ok...

    she had mention at one point she would like to have a 3some with two guys, this struck me as strange as what she had been telling me within them 4 months, towards the end when a accusation appeared me and my mate had been out in town, on the way home we bumped into her and a friend, they asked up back to theirs, we went, all slightly drunk ended up in bed together (the four of us) nothing sexual had happened just a bit of banter... the other 2 went and slept on the sofa at the side of the bed which was less than a foot away from were the rape had meant to of taken place...

    witness statements said that nothing was heard throughout the night and would of been very difficult not to have been if anything had happened... which nothing did

    i was on police bail for roughly 6/7 months and then charged... i am pretty much in shock and its killing my girlfriend... i have kept it away from my parents as my mum is on the older end and it would completely destroy her...

    i have been and seen the accusers video interview, she shows no emotion and really looks asif shes just having a girl chit-chat with the police women... totally out of the ordinary for someone whose apparently been raped

    my solicitor says i have nothing to worry about but its not just as easy as that, some days are good but others are extremely bad and upsetting, i after got to a preliminary hearing end of the month to put in my plea and trial early next year..

    my solicitor was totally shocked when i was charged and couldnt believe it, so now solicitor has told me all we can do is wait and see what evidence the are preparing for court, i dont really see what there can to be honest apart from her word but if they knew her like i did you cant get much from that as i now believe the first accusation what she told me about wasnt true either

  • #2
    Hi, and as always with new posters, its very sad that you have to find this site.

    I was FA'd back in 2011 and after 3mths of bail, was charged with what amounted to nothing more than the FA's video interview/statement. Even after being charged (and before I found this site) I didnt believe that it would ever go all the way after I had seen the initial disclosure, however, sadly these cases do go to trial on just a statement alone.

    As your solicitor has stated, you need to now wait for the initial prosecution disclosure and this will enable you to start picking as many holes in the "evidence" as possible. My solicitor was excellent and they kept re-enforcing the message that we were looking to find as many small holes in the evidence as possible.

    This is what happened in my case and I was found NG back in February this year. Now is a good time to backup anything you can use in your defence, Facebook, Phone, Internet records - anything that can strengthen your case going forward.

    I hope you have a good solicitor, and importantly, a strong Barrister. Mine was exceptional and I am sure other members will join me in saying that a strong Defence team is essential.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cabins_2011 View Post
      Hi, and as always with new posters, its very sad that you have to find this site.

      I was FA'd back in 2011 and after 3mths of bail, was charged with what amounted to nothing more than the FA's video interview/statement. Even after being charged (and before I found this site) I didnt believe that it would ever go all the way after I had seen the initial disclosure, however, sadly these cases do go to trial on just a statement alone.

      As your solicitor has stated, you need to now wait for the initial prosecution disclosure and this will enable you to start picking as many holes in the "evidence" as possible. My solicitor was excellent and they kept re-enforcing the message that we were looking to find as many small holes in the evidence as possible.

      This is what happened in my case and I was found NG back in February this year. Now is a good time to backup anything you can use in your defence, Facebook, Phone, Internet records - anything that can strengthen your case going forward.

      I hope you have a good solicitor, and importantly, a strong Barrister. Mine was exceptional and I am sure other members will join me in saying that a strong Defence team is essential.

      Good luck.
      Thanks for the speedy reply, never had any contact through and internet technology just through mobile phones, police did not seize my phone or anything, just really need this over now as its affecting everything things in my daily life, i am currently unemployed and have been offered a number of job in the meanwhile.. i havnt been able to tell family/friends about this because i dont want to upset them so i dont know what i would say to an employer as i dont want to lie

      My barrister is an oldish man through williamsons and he specialists in these types of cases so i feel very comfortable with him taking the case, he says it basically my word against hers and that they after prove by reasonable doubt anything actually happened which it didnt... i think thats where doubt comes in that the judge and jury have never met us and its down to who they believe


      • #4

        If you can think of a motive for the girl to have made this accusation against you (i.e. financial difficulties, so needing compensation; anger at you re-connecting with present partner, etc) this can be a building block for a defence when it is just a case of word against word.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          Originally posted by Casehardened View Post

          If you can think of a motive for the girl to have made this accusation against you (i.e. financial difficulties, so needing compensation; anger at you re-connecting with present partner, etc) this can be a building block for a defence when it is just a case of word against word.
          I believe its what you have mentioned about getting back with my ex, i dont know about compensation as i dont know her financial background, quite lost at the moment, am just waiting for my solicitor to contact me within the next few weeks when we will know exactly what the prosecution are saying

          am more worried about my mrs and children we live separately as SS have got involved due to the allegation being made, really just cant wait for it all to be over

