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Looking for advice please.

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  • Looking for advice please.

    Hi everyone.
    I've never posted on a thread before and I apologise if this thread exists but I can't find it.
    I'm hoping someone has been in my position and can offer some advice.
    My partner was falsely accused of rape around three years ago after a night of consensual sex. After the terrifying ordeal of being arrested and the waiting game that followed the police dropped the charges.
    My partner and I have been together for approximately 20 months. At first everything was fine but in June of last year our sex life began to taper off and by august was practically nonexistant. We now haven't had intercourse in a year. A few weeks ago he finally admitted that whenever I initiate sex he starts to think about the rape allegations and panics.
    Is this a common thing? I have no idea how to help him through this and its damaging our relationship. I know that what he's been through isn't something that people can just bounce back from but I'm very worried that this is something that will never get better.
    I know this may seem very petty compared to what some people are going through here but I have nowhere else to turn to for advice. Thanks in advance for any help.

  • #2
    Hi - Welcome to the forum. I can quite understand the effect the accusation had on him, and also your frustration.

    Patience is probably the key as it will probably take a while to sort out. Have you considered going for counselling as a couple?

    It's worth getting in touch with 'Relate' which offers advice, relationship counselling and sex therapy.

    Let us know how you get on as I dare say it would be of interest to other members

    Best of luck

