Hi all, hope your feeling much better than me. I've been on bail since 12th of May. I had my first bail date on the 20th of August extended to the 15th of October. The OIC said that one of the main evidence she is waiting for is my phone records which will take 2 weeks to come. Now less than a week due before my bail date the OIC said that the forensics can't access my phone because it has got a pin. I mean seriously! After giving the pin the OIC said that it is very likely my bail is going to be extended to a further 2 months. To be fair the OIC said she too was frustrated that it has taken the forensics so long ask for the pin. I don't feel they are taking the case serious enough. I don't feel confident that a thorough investigation is being done which is required to find the truth. Also I don't think they understand just how mentally challenging it is being accused.
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The World Remains Still
Dismal, isn't it?Incompetent isn't the word. To tell the truth... I don't think they give a damn - it's miserable for you, but they're just doing a job.
Is there any way you could take yourself on holiday somewhere just to get you into another environment and thinking of something else for a few days?
Take care.
Hi whatsgoingon, I am trying to get on with my life to the best of my ability but obviously it is very difficult with this accusation looming over my head. I think I'll take a holiday once a decision is made. Hopefully it will be the correct one. I was feeling really deflated when I heard they still hadn't retrieved my phone records which should have been done months ago!!
I have officially got bail re-extended till mide December. The OIC said she will try to finish the case in 4 weeks but I'm not going to hold my breath. The good news is that the OIC has informed me of supporting evidence for me:
Confirmation from the social services of the false allegation she made about me assaulting my niece
NHS confirmation letter of the call I made
Witness statements matching everything I said in the interview
Her getting pregnant straight away. (visa - permanent stay in UK) motive
There is nothing to indicate this nasty crime was committed apart from her word. The OIC said she won't be able to close the case until she recives the phone records. It won't even be passed onto the CPS unless there is something that might suggest that I did do it. I know the messages that I sent a week before the allegation which I already stated in the interview. I can't recall any other messages/calls that I have sent or received from her.