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Need an answer! Very lost!

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  • Need an answer! Very lost!

    What happened (7 weeks ago)

    I met this woman on the way home from a night out. She was very pretty so I started talking to her and asked her. We spoke about what were doing that night and where we lived. It was a flirty vibe throughout. We moved towards a wall in public view(no cctv) an sat on it kissing very intimately. She was rubbing my penis to which I mentioned that she was 'on it' and she smiled and carried on kissing me. We both walked away towards the train station to help her find out how to get home as she lives in the other side of London. On the way were holding hands and stopped to kiss again, we sat down on a step by somebody's house as it was more comfortable then standing. She was rubbing my penis from on top my jeans so I go it out. She started giving me a pretty good blowjob for about 15 mins, We then took eachothers off underwear enough to have sex. It was hard for us to get rhythm as it was uncomfortable being outside on concrete, so we stopped. We then carried on holding hands and walked up towards the station. I go to take a cigarette out my pocket and realised I've lost my phone so asked her if she has it, she says no so I run back quickly to get my phone an come back to where we were to find she's gone. Walked back round to see where she was but couldn't see her and went home.

    I got arrested in my home 3 days ago on a rape allegation on the same date in the same area I met this woman. In my interview I was told my DNA was found in her.

    They have not told me what she's said and I have no clue to why she has said she has been raped.

    We were both drinking that night but at no point did I feel either of us were unaware to what we were doing, their was no force whatsoever.

    After telling the police what happened that night they chose to bail me for 8 weeks.

    Can someone please tell me what's going on because I can't think straight. I have never been to court before and have heard that it could possible go their and lead to A PRISON SENTENCE!


  • #2
    Hi Lebowski

    Sorry that you find yourself here. This link will give you information as to what to expect in the weeks ahead.

    It is a horrible and bewildering experience to be falsely accused many on this site have said the first month is the hardest as you will still be reeling from the shock.

    Have you considered re tracing your steps from the night in question to work out where you may have been caught on cctv. I realise that you have mentioned the alleged rape happened away from cameras, but if there is footage of the girl in your company after the supposed event looking relaxed this maybe of help to you. Are there any witnesses to how the girl was behaving whilst with you.

    Even though a solicitor can do very little until it is decided whether there will be a charge or not. It is worth researching specialist solicitors that could help you should this result in a charge. Am I right in thinking you are in London ?

    Best wishes

    The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.

    St Augustine


    • #3
      Originally posted by frightened spouse View Post
      Hi Lebowski

      Sorry that you find yourself here. This link will give you information as to what to expect in the weeks ahead.

      It is a horrible and bewildering experience to be falsely accused many on this site have said the first month is the hardest as you will still be reeling from the shock.

      Have you considered re tracing your steps from the night in question to work out where you may have been caught on cctv. I realise that you have mentioned the alleged rape happened away from cameras, but if there is footage of the girl in your company after the supposed event looking relaxed this maybe of help to you.

      I have retraced my steps and seen no cameras that would show us together, we was outside a row of houses. I do live in London yes. It is essentially her word against mine. We were both drinking that night. I have never been to court before and it being a rape allegation is very worrying. It scares me to think that if I can't prove I'm innocent then I will go prison because she cried raping after meeting me that night.

      Also thanks for getting back to me so quickly!


      • #4
        Hi Lebowsky - I'm sorry you find yourself on here, but welcome. I can completely sympathise with how you must be feeling, it's a horrendous thing to be going through.

        If you've read the excellent link FS gave you, you're on the right tracks. Write everything little that happened that evening down, even if it doesn't seem related.

        Presumably, she went to the police directly after she left or the next morning, which could indicate that the whole thing was deliberate. Could it be that she's done this before?

        I'd be interested to know at what point they took your DNA and at what point they told you it had been found on her.

        It will probably take a while for everything that's happening to you to sink in. You'll need to be patient because these things take a while to be sorted out. You may not be charged and even if you are, it may not go to court and even if you do, in the eyes of the law you are innocent until proven guilty and the prosecution has to bring evidence of your guilt, so put thoughts of going to prison out of your mind.

        You might find you have to force yourself not to be overwhelmed by the situation, but it's really worth it. Try to carry on as much in your life as you can, especially your work and leisure.

        Take care.


        • #5


          They have had my DNA from years ago. I do not know why she has cried rape nor will i ever know. I am pretty sure that she knows she can be charged for a false allegation so i can see her trying to pin this on me. Can i be charged for rape solely on her statement? She cant say i forced her because their would be no evidence of force but what if she says she was too drunk? and cannot remember what happened?

