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wrongly accused

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  • wrongly accused

    hi a friend of mine was accused of rape a few years ago he was sent to prison and went through shock treatment he as gone from a lovly caring man to a broken alchoholic he is still after all these years very much in pain he did not do this crime the evidence was very slight and so many things were overlooked as evidance many witnesses were not allowed to give evidence because they were known to our friend every body who knows this man knows 100%he is innocent i would like to know how to clear his name so he can try to regain some life back before it is to late

  • #2
    First you need to find yourself a decent solicitor who specialises in these matters.

    You've not said whether he has tried to appeal the conviction before now. Has he done the usual route of Single Judge at CA (court of Appeal) and CCRC (Criminal Cases Review Commission)?

    Which part of the UK do you live? I ask as I might be able to refer you to a specialist.

    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

