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Fasly accused

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  • Fasly accused

    Hi , Im new here , and actually cant believe any of this has happened , but I would be grateful for any advice .
    Back in April , there was a knock on the door and 8 police officers were there . They came in and said that my 20 yr old daughter had accused me of child neglect and physical abuse . I have 5 children . Age 20 , 19 ,15 ,8 and 3years. The older 3 are by an ex partner who has no contact with them , and the younger 2 are from my partner who I have been with for 13 years .
    I was arrested and put in a cell for 24 hours and my partner was arrested as well accused of physical abuse , false imprisonment and attempted murder.
    My other 4 children stayed together at home under the care of my 19 year old son.
    This all came out of the blue . My daughter had gone to work that morning and it was a normal day and she was fine .
    The next day I was interviewed by a child protection officer . He said he had met with my children and the 4 of them had been having a picnic in the garden when he got to the house . He said my oldest had told her boss at work that I leave the youngest 2 children on their own and that I physically abused her causing bruising on her arms . He had a photo of her arm with bruises on , but she had given them the photo .
    He said , my daughter said I sent her txts saying I hope you get run over by a bus , and he took my phone to retrive deleted txts.
    After 24 hours my partner and I were bailed to go back in 3 months , and were not allowed to contact my eldest or her boss who we have never met . We were both allowed home to the children and heard nothing more.

    A week before we were due to go back , we were both arrested again . This time , the police officer phoned me while I was at my sons school sports day and asked me to come to the station to be arrested . My partner was with him , and he used his phone to phone me .
    So I went to the station in a real state, and was arrested for sexual assult on my 20 year old .
    In the interview we were told that they have spoken to her 3 times , and each time she hyperventilates so badly they have to stop . She told them that I tied her hands to the banisters and put sellotape over her mouth and held her legs while my partner sexually assulted her .
    My partner was accused of rape and sexual assult . She said he raped her twice . Once when she was 16 and once when she was 19 .
    We were both bailed again till october and allowed home to the children . We have heard nothing from anyone . The childrens schools have not been contacted and social services have not contacted us .
    Can the police tell she is lying ? We are due to go back to the station next week and Im terrified
    Thank you

  • #2
    any advice please ?

    Does anyone know if we can be charged for this with no evidence ? The police have not investigated us at all , and we are at home with all the children .
    But we have been arrested for so many awful things including rape . Can we be charged even though she is lying ?


    • #3
      Hi & welcome to the forum,

      Have a look at this sticky as it may answer some of your queries re 'evidence' or lack of!

      These days the police are obliged to investigate every allegation, no matter how unbelievable, unless it was impossible that it could have happened i.e. a cast-iron alibi.
      Last edited by Casehardened; 25 September 2013, 09:30 AM.
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #4
        Sorry that you are in this situation, someone knowledgeable will be along soon to help, could be a good time to think about some legal representation from a rep experienced in this sort of case asap.
        Still here


        • #5
          Hi. Thank you . I've been reading some of the stories on here and can't believe how many people this happens to .
          My daughter was happy and normal. She had a good job and seemed fine at home . This was such a shock . It looks like she made up this story to get attention from her boss and her boss went to the police . When we were arrested then second time the police said they weren't investigating the child neglect towards the other children now . After speaking with us and meeting the children they are sure they are safe with us . But they are investigating the rape and abuse she has accused us of. We are due to go back for our bail thing next week . 6 months after we were first arrested.
          Being arrested for rape, sexual abuse and physical abuse on a minor is so seriousness, but we have been allowed home together while on bail with the other children . And we have heard nothing from anyone.
          What can they say to us next week ? Will we be charged for something we didn't do ?


          • #6
            The short answer to your question......

            Will we be charged for something we didn't do ?

            ..... is nobody can know. You might be charged or you might not. The police have to 'investigate' the allegations. Some officers do investigate properly but some will only 'investigate' in order to further their careers, the more convictions for (alleged) sex offences the more rewarding it is for them in terms of promotion.

            The police and CPS are under pressure to reach and go beyond Government set rape conviction targets and many will do what they can to achieve that end.

            The first question a jury will ask themselves is 'why would she make this up?'

            You must do everything you can to establish motive and prove evidence of it.

            Has she recently had some sort of counselling where false memory could have been raised? Has she recently been to a seance or similar and been 'told' that she was abused? (I kid you not, I have helped with appeals where the provenance of the allegations came from a medium or self styled guru).

            Is she particularly short of money and an abuser of substances such as alcohol or drugs? Even so, why would she lie about something so serious unless she has some sort of psychotic mental health problem that makes her devoid of any conscience?

            You need to look into this sort of thing and then discuss with your solicitor.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

