I just wanted to let you know that a week after the allegation was made against my son, it was withdrawn. It would seem she could 'raise' it again at any time in the future and there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop it! Absolutely crazy! But for now (and hopefully forever!) our nightmare is over - though, having said that, the effect it's had on our family is everlasting. We, and particularly our son, will never be quite the same again. Silly girls crying rape for revenge or as a cover for their promiscuity waste valuable police time and should be prosecuted for same!! To say nothing of the distress caused to those they so flippantly accuse and the total disrespect they show to the true victims of rape!! And now I've vented my anger, I'd just like to thank you for your support - it truly was such a help at such a horrible time. I will keep in touch with the forum and do all I can, through words, to support others who are and, sadly, will continue to go through these false accusations. Take care everyone and thanks again!
No announcement yet.
I'm so pleased to read that the charges have been dropped - but not that they haven't gone away completely - its rather like someone saying 'they're a little bit pregnant'.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Rather timely, a local woman has just been jailed for this....only 12 months though of which she will get to serve 6, hardly justice for the man she accused and the sting in the tail is that Essex police have assured the public that they will still treat every offence reported to them with the utmost seriousness
http://www.theenquirer.co.uk/read.aspx?id=11740'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Well I suppose 6 months is better than nothing but I agree, when you take into account the distress caused to the 'accused', pathetic!! Of course the police need to take each case seriously - rape is a VERY serious crime - but they also need to be aware of the possible alternative. Far too many false accusations are made and, it seems to me, these damn women and girls get away with it scott free!! Luckily the police we dealt with were beyond any reproach as far as I was concerned. They couldn't have been more considerate and understanding if they'd tried and they've since told me ours was a very common scenario!! My campaign is beginning!!!!
It's much like the standard NFA then OP
The book is closed, but the corner of the page is turned over for future reference.
Don't lose heart. If she has dropped it this time, chances are that the lying was weighing too heavily on her so the liklihood of her re-raising it is low.
Never make any kind of contact with her."Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
hi - that is good news but as you say the effect is life changing......as Faith says, it seems unlikely that she'll raise it again and if she does, she would have to answer the question, "Why did you withdraw this x months/years ago?"
I'd like to offer you.....- hope you can soon rebuild your lives......MH x
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh