Thanks he's gone Off ok today. It's only so long because his one charge is on the end of someone else's 23 charges Because they are related and got the same accusser. So it's gonna be a long few weeks.
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my patners trial starts tomoorow
Hi WG - thanks for keeping us posted - this is a long haul for you both. It's good that his barrister is sounding positive but so many of us say on here, "Prepare for the worst and anything else is a bonus!" keep strong MH x"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
day 4 is over so far we are holding it together. my partner will be glad when tomorrow is over and have a couple of days break from court its such a long trial for him to sit through to wait for his bit. we are both worried how the outcome of the person he is on trial with will effect his verdict the jury seeing all these charges against his relative will it effect what they think of him. Really wish we could just get to the end and have it all over with. thanks for every ones support on here it helps a lot. at least the end is in sight. Its our sons birthday tomorrow so hopefully it will be a bit of a happy distraction for us.
Day 6 of my partners trial the accuser was giving evidence in which she said she may have made a mistake and was remembering what happened with her brother when she was younger. So I think this is good as if she can't be sure how can a jury find him guilty hopefully will know more tomorrow. But there is some hope but don't want to relax just yet till it is all officially over but feeling slightly happier.
That sounds hopeful....really hope this helps you partner's case....keep strong you're doing a fantastic job supporting your partner and I hope you have some support for you.....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Today was the end of the prosecutions evidence so tomorrow will be the start of the defence evidence. My partners barrister has requested the judge throw out my partners case as the accuser has said she thinks she is mistaken and that the flashbacks she had could of actually of been of her brother and not my partner so the judge will give his answer tomorrow if he decides not to then the trial will carry on as planned. so tomorrow could be a good day but will try not to hope to much as don't want the disappointment if it doesn't happen.
Originally posted by Heretowin View PostFingers crossed for you. It sounds like she is pretty mixed up so surely the judge will see how unsafe it would be to continue with the case against your partner.
Stay strong.