Hello all, I don't really know where to start or how to begin, but here goes.
My wife and I married last July (2012) We have 3 children (10yrs, 18mths and 18 weeks). We have had ours ups and downs, abnd enough to cover everyone else here too, last may I made a 'BAD' call and pushed my wife out of my way so i could leave during an argument. Police were called and I was arrested... pleaded guilty to the charge of assult.
Febuary this year We started to live seperatley. 2 weeks ago i had appointments to attend, my wife called and said she needed me, when asked she could not tell me a reason. Later that evening i had emails and txt messages saying that she was cancelling the mobile phone contract, bank cards and direct debits that were in my name. All of which she did. That was Wednesday night. Thursday i heard nothing, until 11pm when i had a knock on my door... Police I was arrested on suspition of anal rape, dating back at from 1 week previous all the way back to our wedding night!
The police seized my laptop and mobile phone, I was held for 18 hours before being interviewed, held for another 3 hours before being released on bail pending further investigations. Also told not to have contact with my wife or Any of my friends (as they could be witnesses) No contact with the children because S.S involved due to the history.
I feel lost, confused and helpless.... Since being bailed my wife has tried to contact me (phoned me, txt me and sent me a friend request on facebook).
Now I know that assult and domestic abuse are horrid things for anyone to go through and I know the effects first hand (My assult, and also the control my wife has used over me) But i really don't know how to cope with this.
I am 29yrs old, Have witnesses for at least 1 of the alleged incidents. But still i am on bail, still my laptop and phone are being examined! surely if i had done what i am accused of there would be medical evidence as the last date i am accused of was less than 10 days from when she reported it.
I explained that we had argued the day before and that my wife had cancelled the phone, bank and DD's, but still the police seem to be taking her side.
Can anyone help?
PLEASE..... I haven't been able to sleep for almost 2 weeks now, i have nightmares when i do drop off, my mind is racing all the time!
I Love my wife soo much, i miss my children and my wife soo much! Yet i know i am alone and that this is probably the end of our marriage and all before our 1st anniversary
Sorry to drag on....
but thank you for taking the time to read about my troubles.
My wife and I married last July (2012) We have 3 children (10yrs, 18mths and 18 weeks). We have had ours ups and downs, abnd enough to cover everyone else here too, last may I made a 'BAD' call and pushed my wife out of my way so i could leave during an argument. Police were called and I was arrested... pleaded guilty to the charge of assult.
Febuary this year We started to live seperatley. 2 weeks ago i had appointments to attend, my wife called and said she needed me, when asked she could not tell me a reason. Later that evening i had emails and txt messages saying that she was cancelling the mobile phone contract, bank cards and direct debits that were in my name. All of which she did. That was Wednesday night. Thursday i heard nothing, until 11pm when i had a knock on my door... Police I was arrested on suspition of anal rape, dating back at from 1 week previous all the way back to our wedding night!
The police seized my laptop and mobile phone, I was held for 18 hours before being interviewed, held for another 3 hours before being released on bail pending further investigations. Also told not to have contact with my wife or Any of my friends (as they could be witnesses) No contact with the children because S.S involved due to the history.
I feel lost, confused and helpless.... Since being bailed my wife has tried to contact me (phoned me, txt me and sent me a friend request on facebook).
Now I know that assult and domestic abuse are horrid things for anyone to go through and I know the effects first hand (My assult, and also the control my wife has used over me) But i really don't know how to cope with this.
I am 29yrs old, Have witnesses for at least 1 of the alleged incidents. But still i am on bail, still my laptop and phone are being examined! surely if i had done what i am accused of there would be medical evidence as the last date i am accused of was less than 10 days from when she reported it.
I explained that we had argued the day before and that my wife had cancelled the phone, bank and DD's, but still the police seem to be taking her side.
Can anyone help?
PLEASE..... I haven't been able to sleep for almost 2 weeks now, i have nightmares when i do drop off, my mind is racing all the time!
I Love my wife soo much, i miss my children and my wife soo much! Yet i know i am alone and that this is probably the end of our marriage and all before our 1st anniversary

Sorry to drag on....
but thank you for taking the time to read about my troubles.