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I was charged please help me

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  • #16
    Hi all!!

    I having a meeting with my specialist solicitor today. My very loyal friends have confirmed that the takeaway in question does have 2 cctv cameras. I dont know why he reported initially they didnt have any.

    Im no expect, but no cctv from this takeaway was shown in the first interview or even 2 months later - only the grainy unclear street cctv that does not show any wrong doing any way. We dont know if the takeway cctv was on, fake or even recording. One is positioned at the til and the other is far back where the cooking, grease, heat and steam is.

    My logic wud say that they showed me unclear street cctv but not any takeaway cctv. The police only mentioned a til receipt. We can confirm that the til receipt that is visible on the paper role only shows a total and NOT what was ordered. I was not read or shown any statement from the takeaway. Seems the main thing they were after is my phone coz they dont know my full movements and needed the pictures of what I looked like that nite plus any calls or text messages.

    Can someone tell me if any incriminating cctv and forensics is mentioned in the interviews? I saw a tv programme where it is and if it cannot be explained hte person is charged. In over 4 months I have only had little bits of donor meat mentioned at me.

    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by Rik; 15 July 2013, 11:07 AM.


    • #17
      seen solicitor - dont know what to think

      Hi all

      I have just seen my solicitor and dont know how to feel or think.

      He said it is good that the charge has come down to sexual assault and but it will most likely go to crown court. He said we cant do anything until I turn up to plead not guilty at magistrates court. We need to see what evidence they are basing the case on. The donor meat needs to be proved as well.

      He said that the girl identifying me isnt a good thing but this can be argued. He said Im of good character etc which will help.

      I feel sick.
      Last edited by Rik; 15 July 2013, 03:36 PM.


      • #18
        Hi Rik

        I really feel for you and am so sorry that you do not feel reassured. It really is sickening what some people come up with.

        Can't help you much on what sol's strategy is but am thinking of you!


        • #19
          Hi Rik,

          I have added this post & DBI's reply to your previous thread, it might be easier for members to see all of your story in one thread rather than having to look at several to understand what happened.
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #20

            In my own point of view you will have to clarify these for your defence:

            They showed me CCTV of someone that was of so poor quality that I could not decide if it was me or not.

            The police allege doner meat was found in her garden and that it must be mine. You cannot see what [if me] I was carrying in my hand via CCTV is just looked grainy.

            After 3 hours of questioning the police asked me why bits of doner meat was found in her garden? I said that I don't eat the stuff.

            In over 4 months I have only had little bits of doner meat mentioned at me.
            Last edited by Boys don't cry; 15 July 2013, 08:46 PM.
            Non,je ne regrette rien.


            • #21
              Hi all.

              Thank you for your support. I am feeling much better today. I have had lots of support last nite and of course you nice peeps.

              Big sis said be brave and strong for bail/magistrate plea. Sis said do not be distracted by other things but focus of what has been now alleged - that is that it is claimed you came in contact with a female without consent. She said this is a long way off rape and certainly donor meat is worlds apart. She said it was good that I was not scared and brave and wanted to challenge the allegation when I answered the bail a few weeks ago because it was a test to see if I would crumble and be satified on a lower charge or even indirectly indicate a relief for a lesser charge. Most people would faint or be shaking when going to the police station on my own. I had been going like a vampire had been sucked out of me.

              I undertand what the solicitor is saying but he needs to see what this is really about and what has been going on with the police why after several months they are trying a lesser charge - without this charge there is nothing left. He already sees holes with the witness and police story. He is aware there are descrepancies in clothing, alleged jewellery, etc. He has noticed that the police have been changing the claims/story each time. May explain why they were so angry when they could not get my phone.

              The aim is to take what the police have and chip away using their evidence and the evidence etc that I have.

              It has been suggested that these things could even end before [but im not expert]. The dropping down of several charges and my attitude to definately fight them is a positive thing I was told. Big sis said so the female wants to pursue matters as based on her statement for an alleged unsuccessful touch in an area but just some fully clothed contact from which she walked away unscaved.
              Last edited by Rik; 16 July 2013, 11:12 AM.


              • #22
                Hopefully your barrister be able to will hammer the point that there is a lot of difference between attempted rape and sexual contact over clothing and if the girl can get confused over this can she be relied on as a reliable witness (of course this may be a line of questioning that is not allowed due to it showing the 'justice' system in rather a bad light!)
                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #23

                  I attended the Magistrates Court today. It was a scary and horrible experience on my own. The prosecution's statement was horrific. It basically states that im a monster and the female was bady beaten up. This is the first time I have heard this in 5 motnhs. It will be a Crown Court case. My Solicitor was very good.

                  We were unable to plead because we dont know what is fully being claimed or the charge or the evidence.

                  Any thoughts?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Rik View Post

                    I attended the Magistrates Court today. It was a scary and horrible experience on my own. The prosecution's statement was horrific. It basically states that im a monster and the female was bady beaten up. This is the first time I have heard this in 5 motnhs. It will be a Crown Court case. My Solicitor was very good.

                    We were unable to plead because we dont know what is fully being claimed or the charge or the evidence.

                    Any thoughts?
                    It is a horrid experience. It is ridiculous to have a plea hearing without knowing why and what's been alleged in her statement. The charge must surely be the one that the plod charged you with?
                    Hub didn't get to see statements until the plea hearing but he pleaded NG based on the charges.
                    I think it's fair to say that this will unsettle you for a while, it did with us but it's all part of that rollercoaster unfortunately.
                    once you see her statement, you can start picking great big holes in it.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rik View Post

                      I attended the Magistrates Court today. It was a scary and horrible experience on my own. The prosecution's statement was horrific. It basically states that im a monster and the female was bady beaten up. This is the first time I have heard this in 5 motnhs. It will be a Crown Court case. My Solicitor was very good.

                      We were unable to plead because we dont know what is fully being claimed or the charge or the evidence.

                      Any thoughts?

                      I find that unbelievable. How can they/you not know what the charge is at this stage??? I think they're probably making it up as they go along and there'll be more and more blunders as time goes on. Have faith in your solicitor, but be prepared for a rocky ride.

                      Making you feel like a monster is all part of the course, I'm afraid.


                      • #26
                        Hi all thanks again for the support.

                        Sorry people I was quite upset yesterday. The charge is touch without consent but the prosecution said she was punched in the face several times. Never saw any photos etc throughout the interviews. Her clothing has changed too to short skirt and high heels. Where's the donna meat gone as well? Now alledgely the neighboughs came out but only the female claims to have id me in the id parade.

                        I had no injuries or bruised or grazed knuckles when I volunteered to the police station.

                        I am very frightened. I was told also that the aim is to make me a monster and make the female's ordeal really bad.
                        Last edited by Rik; 20 July 2013, 10:35 AM.


                        • #27
                          Any other thoughts

                          Hi all.

                          I am preparing as much notes as possible for my defence. Its great as people have been giving me drips and drabs of information and evidence.

                          Has anyone got any other points that could or I should look at based on the information I have given about the case?

                          I would really appreciate it.

                          Ps- I have decided to visit the GP about the chest and stomach pains since this allegation started.
                          Last edited by Rik; 23 July 2013, 10:17 AM.


                          • #28
                            Hi Rik

                            I don't have any advice other than to find as many discrepancies, screenshots, fb info etc as possible. Was she not on the cctv footage? How could her clothing change?? Don't mention any discrepancies like that to the plod, only your sol. It may turn out to be a totally different night.

                            A visit to the GP is definitely called for by the sounds of it. I hope you soon feel better.

                            Keep your chin up, it can seem very dark and hopeless at times but their case sounds very flimsy.

                            Take care

