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friend accused of rape in marriage-advice please

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  • friend accused of rape in marriage-advice please

    My friend has baan accused of raping his wife a week before she left him. He had previously been bailed twice but was formally charged today and is due in court in 2 weeks.
    His wife waited a week to report it and then left (she is now living with another man) the original accusation was about 10 weeks ago.
    I cannot believe he has been charged when it is purely her word against his...please give me any advice

  • #2
    Hello megane

    Sorry you are here but welcome all the same. We are a huge family who will help you with good advice and support. Please get him to write absolutely everything down he can think of relating to alleged rape, gather any evidence you can (FB, text messages, whatever) make hard copy and put in a safe place (away from home!!). Be prepared for everything and expect nothing. It will be tough but we will help as far as we can!

    Take care! Others will be along! xx


    • #3
      friend accused

      My friends wife who has accused him of rape has anorexia and can be volatile. People who know them both have stated concerns for him for a while as she became more erratic and lots of people have witnessed her strange behaviours, including calling him numerous times a day and having arguments with friends and neighbours

      I live next door and have heard her screaming at their kids..
      Does anyone know what might happen in 2 weeks when he goes to court? will it be adjourned for a few months so he can prepare a defence?


      • #4
        Hello Megane.

        Your friend has already been charged so I suppose he will meet his barrister and enter his plea "Not Guilty" in Court.
        His story is unfortunately familiar.

        Does he have an experienced (specialist) solicitor as it is extremely important?

        Here is a link to a few of them just in case:

        You have already been given excellent advice by Don'tbelieveit! and will receive a lot more support by other members.

        Soon your friend will receive the final disclosure and will be able to read all the statements made by his wife and the police.

        Tell him not to give up and to keep confident.
        Non,je ne regrette rien.


        • #5
          Originally posted by megane2003 View Post
          My friends wife who has accused him of rape has anorexia and can be volatile. People who know them both have stated concerns for him for a while as she became more erratic and lots of people have witnessed her strange behaviours, including calling him numerous times a day and having arguments with friends and neighbours

          I live next door and have heard her screaming at their kids..
          Does anyone know what might happen in 2 weeks when he goes to court? will it be adjourned for a few months so he can prepare a defence?
          What Boys dont cry said.

          Keep telling him to hang in there, we are in the same situation as you. Ask him to go out, as I have found in our case distractions help a lot!


          • #6
            Hi Megane

            Sorry you have had to find us - the whole sorry state will be a revelation to you. You've had some good advice - I would just add that all info, contrary evidence etc etc is just for his solicitor. Do not go running back to plod with it. With just a fortnight to go, your friend must be terrified. The plea hearing is pretty much confirming his details, the charge(s), making his plea then deciding if it is' triable' either way (magistrates or crown court), rape is Crown Court I believe, setting a date and so on.
            My hub's is being heard in Magistrates and there was lots of discussion regarding how many witnesses for each side and how long the prosecution and defence thought they would need with each. I don't know if they decide that at the plea hearing for Crown Court.
            This concerns me because, at that point, we hadn't read the statements and now I think we need 2 more witnesses.
            They will most likely make your friend stand behind the glass screen which is very unpleasant and isolating.
            He needs lots of support and needs to know that his friends and family believe him.
            Afterwards he will feel the shock of attending and it really de-stabilises you again but that will settle again.
            Well done you for supporting him and doing some research.

