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I am back in the family court on Friday 11/10/13 to see if I may be able to have supervised contact with my children. Bloody stupid as they were living with me up until my stupid arrest. Take care everyone.
Supervised contact is not exciting but at least it will renew the trust and confidence you once had.
It's only a step foward before unsupervised and the judge will be more concerned about the children welfare than the adult disputes.
Had a word with my solicitor for the family court today. He is not hopeful that I will get supervised access because of my bail conditions. SW is there no doubt he will have is two cents worth. Plus the fact that he will say he saw the children they are happy and requested they live with mum. So I am kind of the underdog today. Thanks for your messages of support. I will update later if I can. Just don't understand after 7 years of FA's against me she has finally got the children with her. Stupid law system we have at times. So bloody frustrating.
Hi Ghost Biscuit, my accuser was 6 months pregnant when she made a false allegation against me. Apparently she secured her permanent stay in UK with the child. I was advised by my solicitor to not even bother trying to go court for access as it would be suicidal. Instead I have to wait till the outcome of the case until I can go down that route. Having never been able to name, see and hold my child is a crime itself.
The justice system is a joke as you rightly pointed out. Regardless of the outcome, remember that you are their father and you have tried everything in your power.
Sorry to hear that you are waiting for your nightmare to end only to be thrust into another one. Its really hard dealing with what you and many others are going through. Nothing anyone can do apart from wait to see what the powers that be do.
I have no news nor no update as of yet. I am still phoning my children once a week and this seems to be getting better. No news from the police nor CPS as of yet but they now have permission to look through the family papers. They did not charge me before asking for them, so I guess they did not have much of a case or at best it was weak to charge me, hence they need to look at the family papers. They must be hoping that something in there says rape. Well they will be very disappointed as from 2004 no family proceedings up until 2011 ever mentions the word rape. The new family proceedings does of course. But its the historical papers that what the CPS want.
There are many papers regarding the SS reports and other police reports but 99% always state that they do not believe her accounts of what happened or she has told the children what to say, or these allegations are to support her residency application. So I am happy for the papers to be seen. There are some wonderful accusations regarding me being violent towards her and yet it was me that was stabbed and put in hospital because of her, oh and then she was charged. Did she use the excuse of she was raped 3 and 4 years previous in her defence nope. No mention of it then.
I have been thinking a lot and what bugs me, is that my friend still has not been interviewed yet and tbh I don't think the police are going to now as its gone to the CPS as I have previously stated. The fact that I could be charged with two counts of rape and yet he was mentioned as the other offender is mind blowing to say the least. If I am charged and he has not even been spoken to,my thinking and I am probably way off the mark here but, going to court I would think that the fact that they have not interviewed him yet I would ask for the case to be thrown out as he is important to the case and to me this shows the police incompetence not to interview the other main offender. I know they might just charge me with one rape, however I have been thinking about this also, If they are not going to speak to my friend then they must not believe her account of what took place even though he was not there, then if they are not believing that the second rape took place, how then would they believe the first rape took place? Surely they cannot consider one rape without the other? be rather peculiar if they did and I am sure my lawyer/barrister would pick up on this. Any input would be of help thanks.
Firstly sorry that I have not been on as late personal reasons. Also just have not been myself past few weeks. I have been phoning the children every Thursday now since I was allowed.Let me just say that the phone calls were well horrible in the sense the children was only saying yes and no and don't know. The phone calls would last about 1-5 minutes and that would be it. I went back to the family court and was accused that I was seeking information from the children about where they lived. X was not present. I then said to the judge that is not true. The judge said he is not their so cannot determine what is said. I then said well after 7 years of accusations then I do actually record the phone calls from the children he frowned and said, do the children know you record them. I said no because I want the calls to be normal and therefore can prove I have not asked any whereabouts of the children. The judge then said yes I understand why you do record the calls. He seemed ok with this.
So after that her solicitor must have told X I record the calls, because the phone calls with the children seem more normal and talk for between 20-60 mins now. On another point the OIC is now no longer the officer in charge. I have spoken to the new OIC she has said that her files had been passed to her. She explained that all the officers files have been passed around for new officers to look at. So now I have a new OIC who did not interview me nor has seen me. All she has is the files to go from, which she said she will be reviewing them. I was explaining a few things to her and tbh she seemed disinterested in what I was saying. So I am not sure what will happen on the 4th December. Looking like another re-bail as I do no know if they have the family papers yet.
I have been and seen my local MP and explained to him what's going on and the first he said, like my criminal and family solicitor and the first family judge, has she got a mental illness, I did not think it was that obvious but seems it must be. Anyway he has fired a letter off to the SS and in one part he states that why has she not been looked into when her son complained about the abuse he suffered at her hands. Also goes on to say that she has been the instigator in many circumstances regarding stabbing me amongst other things. I have decided to fire this off to the new OIC via recorded delivery. Do not think it will make any difference but who knows.
Hi Ghost biscuit - sorry you've been having a hard time (understandably). The judge's reaction, honestly ... it sounded like you were *******ed any which way!
Good for you getting in touch with your MP. You're right you musn't let all the history drop be dropped - all the knife attacks etc. Apart from your defence, I'm sure you're concerned about your children now that they are in her hands.
Really pleased you're having 'normal' phone-calls now, it must be so much better for your moral and theirs.
Thank you for your reply, as you say I was shafted no matter what in the family court, but I have now come to accept that X will get the residency by default which is to me bizarre. Bizarre in the fact that we have been in and out of court for the best part of 7 years and I have come away time and time again with the residence order in my favour. However, this time, it seems that she has finally accused me for the last time in order for the residency order and has finally beaten me down. However I am not beaten yet and will fight till the very end.
As for this bail I am now questioning if I have gotten the right solicitor. He phoned me a few times when I was enquiring about my case. However his interest in me has seemed to diminished. When I phone he is in meetings, I Email he very rarely replies. I know there is not much he can do on, the other hand he could at least acknowledge my correspondence. Maybe its me being in a constant state of being unsure and insecure about the situation. I really don't know what to think to be honest.
As regards the letter to my MP and sending that to the police, well I don't think it will do any good, just thought it would be a long shot. Just over two weeks till I have to be at the station and what is pissing me off is that the OIC, as I have already stated is reviewing the case. However she was not the one that interviewed me and therefore how can she review the case without re interviewing me, this may well be the case that she my want to re interview me I'm not sure what the law states in relation to this, as the case has gone to the CPS and they are now are just waiting for the family papers to make a decision. They have been waiting for them for a while. Not even sure if they have those yet, as I already explained a new officer is on the case. I'm just more jittery by the day. Not really sleeping much either. Thanks for reading.
Today I got a letter from my youngest it was heart breaking to read. Not that it was as sad letter but in the letter my youngest keeps repeating the word very happy here at school etc. But to keep repeating that word doesn't make sense, anyway if my youngest is happy then well that's that. I also read some of my youngest homework, its good but upset me because for the best part of my youngest life I was in school at parents meetings etc. Just does not feel right that X has accused me of something I have not done and yet I am being punished for nothing absolute noting.
Anyway nothing to update from the OIC and my solicitor has not replied to any of my email nor is he ever in when I phone. On another note I have gotten a response from my local MP and basically it was a letter from SS director saying that they were looking into my concerns. Just a bog standard letter really. I know the one that I sent to the police has been signed for on the 15/11/13 not sure if the OIC has received it though. As my bail date is approaching fast I am on tender hooks. Saying that I have just been reading some of the old files again where after a police interview it states that the FA on that was due to custody battle for X and refreshing my mind with other reports over the years where all the accusations and I mean all at 9 were unsubstantiated. I hope that reflects on her character in front of a jury if it went that far. Well that's bout that then will update if I hear anything.
Have just been reading through your thread and can understand not only the nighmare you are going through but the dreadful heartbreak not seeing your children is causing. My partner has not seen his children since this nightmare began earlier this year and still going on. It's not seeing them that is so devastating. We also have had no contact with them whatsoever not even by telephone. Although there is apparently no reason not to have supervised contact the ex wont allow it.!!!!. So I feel for you. One day they will know the truth and will make their own minds up!!!
Its the worst thing. But when I last dropped the children off in June I remember hugging them both and play fighting shouting I love you both the both replied back love you to. I did not have phone contact them for weeks as you have read that already. I just think what she has done amongst others is so wrong and I feel the way I am now an offender in the police letter is ridiculous how can I be an offender if I haven't offended? crackers really is.
At the minute I just feel like a dog waiting to be put out of my misery. Have you gone to the family court as it was them who ordered phone contact against X wishes? Do you have a thread I could read as to the reason why you are here? Although I have a partner and great family and friends sticking by me I still feel alone and isolated. How is your husband coping?
I have just sent you a PM, I hope thats ok. I havent put much on here as yet. I am a little cautious about puting too much on the public part of the site. We haven't gone to family court as had regular contact until this happened. Have taken leagl advice who have said we would probably struggle to get contact because of this. In hindsight if I had known it would take so long with the bail and rebail then we would have done as at least he may have been able have a phone call.
He is having good and bad days!!!! The few family and friends that know about whats happened are being really supportive.