As some of you may have read of my plight. I have been lurking on here and reading quite a lot. Boy!! What a minefield of hurdles one has to go over.
I'm not sure if I read this rightly on one of the posts on here so need to clarify.
Is it true that once you are at the end of being falsely accused of rape. That basically ends any chance you have of ever entering the USA again as guilty or not it stays on your record forever?
Reason I ask is I tend to go over there about 2 -3 times a year because of family. Does that mean I will never be able to get to see my family dotted over there again?
If true, that is so so wrong and I donn't even know what to think the impact that would have on my life as it wasn't something I thought of at all before.

As some of you may have read of my plight. I have been lurking on here and reading quite a lot. Boy!! What a minefield of hurdles one has to go over.
I'm not sure if I read this rightly on one of the posts on here so need to clarify.
Is it true that once you are at the end of being falsely accused of rape. That basically ends any chance you have of ever entering the USA again as guilty or not it stays on your record forever?
Reason I ask is I tend to go over there about 2 -3 times a year because of family. Does that mean I will never be able to get to see my family dotted over there again?
If true, that is so so wrong and I donn't even know what to think the impact that would have on my life as it wasn't something I thought of at all before.
