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Help and advice please????

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  • Help and advice please????

    My nephew has been falsely accused of rape, the girl has not gone to the police but its the rumours and mis-trust that's ruining his life! She only accused him a month after, in an argument and now his world has fallen apart! How do you clear your name of your own back? This has cost him his girlfriend and un-born child so far!

  • #2
    It's incredibly hard to give advice in this situation.

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    IF it can be easily shown that a rape never took place then I would be tempted to contact the Police and see what they do HOWEVER they may well end up formalising everything and your nephew would be in a FAR worse position and it may even give credibility to the female if she can then brag that he's been arrested etc...

    The other issue is that a few folks talking garbage means little compared to the marks that will be put on his 'record' (Enhanced Disclosure Checks) should she actually make the allegation.

    How do you stop it all? I have no idea. Is he able to move away from the area?
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #3
      I agree with LL1.

      However, it's better to be prepared, has he any witnesses to her vile threat/accusation? What was the argument about? When was the argument? I'd write it all down and keep it safe for a good while just in case.

      Hopefully, and probably, it's just a moronic threat which will come to nothing.


      • #4
        Hi - I think that all you can advise your nephew to write everything down that happened with times, places and who said what and when......keep it safe and backed up on at least 2 computers, one of which plod will never know about. Keep any text messages, FB pages (screenshot them whatever that is!!!!) of yours and hers.......
        When ALL this is done, then there is nothing left to do except wait and try very hard to resume as normal a life as possible.....
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #5
          All I can tell you from our experience: Don't panic, but better get prepared for the worst. Like the others said, write every detail down asap. Maybe it is already good advice, to contact a lawyer.
          We never thought, a false rape accusation will happen to anybody of us and weren't to concerned, when the accuser started threatening my brother. But obviously, it was wrong to "just let her talk".

