Hi All
As many of you are aware as a result of the rape allegation against me one of my bail conditions is to have Supervised access to my children, this takes place twice a week for a couple of hours in a wonderful place they call a Families Centre, there is someone in the room all the time taking notes, the doors are locked and there's a big fence......the word Prison comes to mind!
But the staff are ok and at least I get to see them , well my son anyway as my daughter doesn’t like the place and refuses to go any more.
I have been trying to get the bail condition removed for the past two months so I can have unsupervised access, but the police have refused and social services wouldn’t do anything until they had carried out there "assessment"
With their assessment finished and "no issues found at this time" they said they were happy for access to be in the community providing I signed an agreement relating to pick up times ect, which I have no problem with, but they couldn’t do anything until the police amended the bail condition, so sol contacted police who said they would be prepared to amend the bail condition however social services have now insisted that it still has to be supervised access so where ever I go with the children a family member has to follow!
This I consider to be overly restrictive, totally over the top and little better than what is in place now, I was also informed that should the bail condition be removed completely it wouldn’t make any difference while the other bail conditions were in force!! WTF!
So correct me if I’m wrong but while Police bail condition is in force stating supervised access through social services then I have to have supervised access through Social services. However if bail condition is removed social services say I STILL have to have supervised access through them because of the other bail conditions which are: not to contact Victim of go to my house.
I can’t see how they can insist on this happening or am i missing something?? Do they have the power to do this?
If the case was dropped tomorrow and all the bail conditions disappeared could Social Serviced still force me to have supervised access to my children?
As many of you are aware as a result of the rape allegation against me one of my bail conditions is to have Supervised access to my children, this takes place twice a week for a couple of hours in a wonderful place they call a Families Centre, there is someone in the room all the time taking notes, the doors are locked and there's a big fence......the word Prison comes to mind!

But the staff are ok and at least I get to see them , well my son anyway as my daughter doesn’t like the place and refuses to go any more.
I have been trying to get the bail condition removed for the past two months so I can have unsupervised access, but the police have refused and social services wouldn’t do anything until they had carried out there "assessment"
With their assessment finished and "no issues found at this time" they said they were happy for access to be in the community providing I signed an agreement relating to pick up times ect, which I have no problem with, but they couldn’t do anything until the police amended the bail condition, so sol contacted police who said they would be prepared to amend the bail condition however social services have now insisted that it still has to be supervised access so where ever I go with the children a family member has to follow!
This I consider to be overly restrictive, totally over the top and little better than what is in place now, I was also informed that should the bail condition be removed completely it wouldn’t make any difference while the other bail conditions were in force!! WTF!
So correct me if I’m wrong but while Police bail condition is in force stating supervised access through social services then I have to have supervised access through Social services. However if bail condition is removed social services say I STILL have to have supervised access through them because of the other bail conditions which are: not to contact Victim of go to my house.
I can’t see how they can insist on this happening or am i missing something?? Do they have the power to do this?

If the case was dropped tomorrow and all the bail conditions disappeared could Social Serviced still force me to have supervised access to my children?