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When the CPS Drop a Case - Legal Help Needed

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  • When the CPS Drop a Case - Legal Help Needed

    We need to find out EXACTLY why the CPS dropped Tafs case, however, his solicitor is evasive and says she cannot give the reason why due to Data Protection, is this true?

  • #2
    Originally posted by tiftaf View Post
    We need to find out EXACTLY why the CPS dropped Tafs case, however, his solicitor is evasive and says she cannot give the reason why due to Data Protection, is this true?

    I'm not entirely sure it's possibly to find out the exact reasons BUT there is no harm in trying...

    Change is something that can be brought about in many different ways.

    Start with something simple and something that they cannot argue against. Send a letter asking for the information and possibly include something along the lines off:

    "In the publics interest.................."

    If anything it should be good for a laugh to use their own bloody words against them. The 'public interest' seems to over-rule just about everything yet the public have no say in what they are interested in!

    Interesting article I read yesterday:

    Obviously if you're looking for a specific avenue in order to obtain the info then I can be of little help as I know of no avenue. YOU could be the one that opens that avenue up though!

    If anything at all comes of it then that'd be great news. My proposed avenue may well not work BUT it's good for a smug laugh back at the idiotic system that's allowed to exist in this country.

    Good Luck.
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #3
      Thank you Lawlessone. I will keep you updated as to how we get on. We really need this information though for a very important reason which I can't yet discuss on here. However, exciting times I feel are ahead. :-)


      • #4
        You should be able to under the Freedom of Information Act. Did he not get a letter from the police stating that there is no further action?
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~

