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Thought I could be strong, but..

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  • Thought I could be strong, but..

    Have suicidal thoughts, must admit it. Ny heart is not breaking, it is destroyed. I can't put in words how I feel. The supposed FA has not done this, not said anything, but a 3rd party. But WHY?? How can somebody anybody be soooo cruel....can't cope

  • #2
    Hi DBI
    You can be strong, don't give in and don't give the 3rd party the satisfaction of winning by breaking you. These people who make these accusations are obviously very ill people and require some serious help medically, help most will never receive as the system backs up their story telling and supports their lies.

    You know the truth! Stay strong keep fighting and things will work out

    Big hugs xxxx


    • #3
      Hi . Throwing in the towel isn't an option, if you're not here how are you going to show them up to be the liar that they are? If you don't do it, nobody else will. You have more inner strength that you have ever imagined. You will get through this, have a quick look behind you and see how far you've come already.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        Hi DBI - my heart goes out to you........

        What the others said... Plus - I think we all have thoughts like this - I know I did and even phoned friends to make sure they'd take my dogs then wrote the note and went to bed. Fortunately the tiny part of my brain that was stil being rational told me to phone the Out of Hours Mental Health team who made lots of sense and I woke up safe and sound in the morning.

        A colleague/friend said to me that if I had, everyone would say that I was guilty then. My sister was much more blunt and pointed out that after receiving a phone call from the police to say that I was dead, she'd have to go and identify my body - that really hit home - how everyone left behind would be affected. Suicide is a very final solution to a very horrible temporary situation.

        As ch said - you have come a long way - and there is a long way still to go. It is very hard. It is very horrible and no-one can take that away. But why give the FA b£%ch the satisfaction of winning cos she would then be believed for ever and ever and you'd be dead for ever and ever - which isn't a very nice thought Have you been to your GP or considered counseling?

        It is possile to come out the other side - lots of people on here have - search "bananas" to see how many successes there's been. We're all here to help each other and from personal experience - the support I've had (and am having) on here is getting me through my darkest days.
        We will help and support you and you can PM me if you would like to - in the meantime - here's one of these to keep you going......
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #5
          Originally posted by Don'tbelieveit! View Post
          Have suicidal thoughts, must admit it. Ny heart is not breaking, it is destroyed. I can't put in words how I feel. The supposed FA has not done this, not said anything, but a 3rd party. But WHY?? How can somebody anybody be soooo cruel....can't cope
          I hope these awful feelings have passed for you. Feeling real despair is only natural. I don't quite understand the third party reference. Is this someone who is spreading malicious rumours or being nasty to you? If so, as hard as it may be try and remember that you are the better person and that they are very ill to even think about treating you this way if they are aware of the pressure you are under.

          Here is a ((hug)) to hopefully make you feel a little better and remember it's always good to talk. Inbox me if you feel the need! x


          • #6
            Thanks everybody. I survived the night...
            @tiftaf: 3rd party is the person who made the report to the police.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Don'tbelieveit! View Post
              Thanks everybody. I survived the night...
              @tiftaf: 3rd party is the person who made the report to the police.
              Sorry, I thought you meant a third party apart form the alleged victim! Durr, was having a blonde moment there.


              • #8
                3rd party is not alleged victim. The alleged victim knows nothing and I can't even straighten things out..


                • #9
                  DBI...We can survive this, and get to the truth. Head high, onwards and upwards. LP
                  Together We Can Beat This Hell


                  • #10
                    Hang in there DBI

                    Hub knows those feelings and so do I really, if I'm honest. We are in our latter years anyway but you just can't give up and let the FA win however scared or tired you get of it all. There will be better days ahead, you just can't see them yet.


                    • #11
                      Get them thoughts out of your head NOW. Have they gone yet?, good.
                      Suicide is NOT AN OPTION, if you want the gory details message me and I'll give a you a huge essay on why its a dumb ass idea.

                      You will get through this, it wont be fun but when its over you wont believe how good it feels.

                      Chin up.
                      Still here


                      • #12
                        Thanks everybody. The feeling is slowly passing now and hey, am STILL here


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Don'tbelieveit! View Post
                          Thanks everybody. The feeling is slowly passing now and hey, am STILL here
                          Phew - thank goodness for that!!!! Thanks for posting to let us know - we all worry about each other and need to know every one of our friends on here is still around and hanging on if only by the fingertips.......
                          "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                          • #14
                            Got past the fingertips, now the palms. Am not used to this bloody rollercoaster, but guess I have to get used to it until it starts raining bananas....


                            • #15
                              get those fingers curling round and gripping hard!!!!! Know that the down days are followed by the up days!!!!!
                              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh

