Hi folks,
I found this website after I searched online for some advice and help. Excuse me if it seems patchy but all this has turned our lives upside down.
My ex partner, B, whom I still live with was arrested the start of last month due to an allegation made by his 18yr old daughter.
Just a little background for you: B was married had two kids (son and daughter). Marriage was a joke and the divorce was bitter and twisted and things were not good for years. At one point his daughter almost seriously hurt him when she was 8. The ex wife re-married a guy in the army and when the divorce was done in 2007 she moved to Germany with him and the kids as that is where he was stationed. My ex had no contact with the kids at all.
All of a sudden, whilst B was in London visiting his elderly father, two officers show up. They asked when he was back etc etc and started asking questions about me and our 3yr old daughter (who is autistic). B came back early and went to the station. That was when he was arrested and interviewed. I had a call just before 1pm from B (who was sat in a police car ready to come back from a station 12 miles away!) telling me I had to 'move out' before that evening due to little one being under 16 and the nature of the allegation. The officers who interviewed him spoke to me as well and were very rude and patronizing. But that is a whole different story.
For the past 5 weeks I have tried to make sense of the allegation made and confused about the way the police are going about it. I was expecting them to come in and take my computer and my hard drive etc. I been searching for help and answers to my questions ... I am a bit obsessive to say the least when it comes to anything 'criminal'.
I am mainly worried what will happen when he answers bail next week as I cannot stay where I am any longer (as I have out stayed my welcome and things are getting a tad fractious) and I have my little one who has already missed out on vital nursery and me losing work through all of this not to mention my health is suffering.
What would happen when he answers bail? I am new to all of this and feel a bit of a numpty asking to be honest.
I found this website after I searched online for some advice and help. Excuse me if it seems patchy but all this has turned our lives upside down.
My ex partner, B, whom I still live with was arrested the start of last month due to an allegation made by his 18yr old daughter.
Just a little background for you: B was married had two kids (son and daughter). Marriage was a joke and the divorce was bitter and twisted and things were not good for years. At one point his daughter almost seriously hurt him when she was 8. The ex wife re-married a guy in the army and when the divorce was done in 2007 she moved to Germany with him and the kids as that is where he was stationed. My ex had no contact with the kids at all.
All of a sudden, whilst B was in London visiting his elderly father, two officers show up. They asked when he was back etc etc and started asking questions about me and our 3yr old daughter (who is autistic). B came back early and went to the station. That was when he was arrested and interviewed. I had a call just before 1pm from B (who was sat in a police car ready to come back from a station 12 miles away!) telling me I had to 'move out' before that evening due to little one being under 16 and the nature of the allegation. The officers who interviewed him spoke to me as well and were very rude and patronizing. But that is a whole different story.
For the past 5 weeks I have tried to make sense of the allegation made and confused about the way the police are going about it. I was expecting them to come in and take my computer and my hard drive etc. I been searching for help and answers to my questions ... I am a bit obsessive to say the least when it comes to anything 'criminal'.
I am mainly worried what will happen when he answers bail next week as I cannot stay where I am any longer (as I have out stayed my welcome and things are getting a tad fractious) and I have my little one who has already missed out on vital nursery and me losing work through all of this not to mention my health is suffering.

What would happen when he answers bail? I am new to all of this and feel a bit of a numpty asking to be honest.
