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Writng your own parents off!

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  • Writng your own parents off!

    Hi all
    I have decided that, whatever the outcome of our case is, and considering my husband has done absolutely NOTHING, it will be NG, I no longer wish to have anything to do with my parents ever again! Never ever! They are simply believing what they are being told, which is not even from the alleged abused themself. The info they are receiving is from a justice-seeking, wanting-to-be-a-judge, family-destroying, self-I-don't-know-what-to-call-it person who thinks she 'knows' the truth whereas she doesn't. My parents chose to believe her utter c**p and they have to deal with the consequences. I am an only child, and after losing my brother due to a cot death, they now are childless. I hope they (all) read this, and I hope this person is satisified with what she has achieved! I'm through with all of them!

  • #2
    Hope your ok


    • #3
      Not really but what the hell....


      • #4
        DB... Its a hard place to be here for you. LP
        Together We Can Beat This Hell


        • #5
          Hi DB - this is really hard for you - maybe you can feel a bit better for having made that decision - hugs
          "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


          • #6
            Thanks MH! I guess so somehow yet again, somehow not...


            • #7
              Sod em, you do what you feel is right.
              Still here


              • #8
                Put yourself first - you need to be surrounded by supporters not negativity.


                • #9
                  How true, how true....


                  • #10
                    You have to do what will bring you the most peace.

                    Sometimes are parents are not the people we need them to be.

                    If contact with then is worse than no contact you know what you need to do.

                    Sending you
                    Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice

