Hi All new to forum, as you can imagine new to this and still in state of shock after being arrested and questioned last night.
I read the sticky what happens next so I am comfortable with procedures, what I wanted was some opinion.
Background is that after the FA and I had been on a couple of dates, we had sex at my house one night a few months back, we had sex 3 times. As we had been drinking, she is claiming there was no consent to the first but there was to the second and third (WTF?) and hence I find myself in this situation.
My story is that she helped put the bed together (it was a new house) undressed herself entirely, and was talking/capable throughout - times 1,2 and 3. In fact, time number 3 was after we had slept through till late morning and shortly before she drove home. When I say she drove home, she actually gave me a lift to another town on route 10 miles away, and upon dropping me off lent over and kissed me - I'm pretty sure there is a huge CCTV in the square I was dropped in which may prove this. In addition, I left my coat in her car, which proves that she gave me a lift - the police have recovered this coat.
During the night, she said some things to me that I found wierd, such as, does this mean you're my man other clingy type statements. I had previously made clear to her by text that although I liked her, there was too much other things going on in my life to have a serious relationship - the police have since seen these texts. You can imagine because of these statements, I had a gut feeling that this was a relationship that needed cutting off, when I had time alone to consider.
She had been texting me post event in a casual way, I think hinting at when she would see me again, I tried ringing her but couldn't get a response so I text her asking for her email which she supplied albeit with a suspicious tone - I think she suspected that this was going nowhere at this point.
Her text read something like, "I may have been foolish, but you're the fool. No Problem
". I never responded and composed an email a few days later explaining why I didn't want this to go any further. I explained that I did like her, and that she was a good, fun girl, but that I had strong feelings for someone else that I am not with, and that under those circumstances I couldn't give her what I thought she wanted".
As far as I was concerned that was that, four months later, I got arrested, she had made the accusation about 6 weeks ago. In my interview, I have told the police everything that I have told you broadly, and they seemed to think that what I said is corroborated by evidence they have taken from her (they have her phone but gave mine back, they have her email that I sent to her but did not seize my computer when they did the search). They are saying it all boils down to consent, which in the light of the story I have given to you makes this seem to me a nonsense.
I was asked why she would say this, particularly a couple of months later, and I said I don't know, you'd have to ask her, but my suspicion is that she is seeking revenge for feeling used and spurned, and that the timing is because she probably didn't read the email for a while - she told me she rarely uses it.
I know the procedures as to what happens next, obviously not what the outcome is likely to be - but I would value your opinions as I am as you can guess pretty shook up right now.
Many Thanks in advance.
I read the sticky what happens next so I am comfortable with procedures, what I wanted was some opinion.
Background is that after the FA and I had been on a couple of dates, we had sex at my house one night a few months back, we had sex 3 times. As we had been drinking, she is claiming there was no consent to the first but there was to the second and third (WTF?) and hence I find myself in this situation.
My story is that she helped put the bed together (it was a new house) undressed herself entirely, and was talking/capable throughout - times 1,2 and 3. In fact, time number 3 was after we had slept through till late morning and shortly before she drove home. When I say she drove home, she actually gave me a lift to another town on route 10 miles away, and upon dropping me off lent over and kissed me - I'm pretty sure there is a huge CCTV in the square I was dropped in which may prove this. In addition, I left my coat in her car, which proves that she gave me a lift - the police have recovered this coat.
During the night, she said some things to me that I found wierd, such as, does this mean you're my man other clingy type statements. I had previously made clear to her by text that although I liked her, there was too much other things going on in my life to have a serious relationship - the police have since seen these texts. You can imagine because of these statements, I had a gut feeling that this was a relationship that needed cutting off, when I had time alone to consider.
She had been texting me post event in a casual way, I think hinting at when she would see me again, I tried ringing her but couldn't get a response so I text her asking for her email which she supplied albeit with a suspicious tone - I think she suspected that this was going nowhere at this point.
Her text read something like, "I may have been foolish, but you're the fool. No Problem

As far as I was concerned that was that, four months later, I got arrested, she had made the accusation about 6 weeks ago. In my interview, I have told the police everything that I have told you broadly, and they seemed to think that what I said is corroborated by evidence they have taken from her (they have her phone but gave mine back, they have her email that I sent to her but did not seize my computer when they did the search). They are saying it all boils down to consent, which in the light of the story I have given to you makes this seem to me a nonsense.
I was asked why she would say this, particularly a couple of months later, and I said I don't know, you'd have to ask her, but my suspicion is that she is seeking revenge for feeling used and spurned, and that the timing is because she probably didn't read the email for a while - she told me she rarely uses it.
I know the procedures as to what happens next, obviously not what the outcome is likely to be - but I would value your opinions as I am as you can guess pretty shook up right now.
Many Thanks in advance.