I spoke to the investigating officer in my case today to ask about changing my address for the re bail, he has told me that the cps will have made a decision by then about wether to go ahead or not, i cant really say how i feel about this, on one hand i am glad its not going to drag on for months and on the other hand i am hella scared i am going to be charged for something i didnt do
i never thought i could feel so many conflicting feelings at one point
what if i get there and they decide i am guilty and dont let me out, i cant stand the thought of doing time for something i would not even think about doing
sorry for ranting guys but it came as a bit of a shock to the system today
i never thought i could feel so many conflicting feelings at one point
what if i get there and they decide i am guilty and dont let me out, i cant stand the thought of doing time for something i would not even think about doing

sorry for ranting guys but it came as a bit of a shock to the system today