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FA sexual assault (Scotland)

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  • FA sexual assault (Scotland)

    Hi all,

    I'm a little confused by whats happening to me at the moment. A few months ago I was detained by the police for allegations of sexual contact with a minor. i was held in custody and interviewed (duty solicitor was present). At the interview I was formally arrested and charged on 2 counts (I cant remember the specifics of the charges). I was detained overnight and taken to court the following morning. At court I was placed in a cell. I was given a brief chat with the duty sol where he explained I would be taken to the judge and asked to plead guilty or not guilty to the charges, if not guilty I would then have to agree to bail conditions before being released.

    A few hours later I was taken from my cell, handed back my possesions and asked to sign a form for them. I queried what was happening and was told I was being released. I asked why and was told the charges were dropped as they didn't have enough evidence. I then left and after a brief meeting with the duty sol the following day i went about my life as normal.

    All was well until recently when my work found out, i was placed on suspension and am possibly not far from dismissal now. initially they said they had recieved information from a member of the public but later said it was the police that informed them.

    What I dont understand is if I was released seemingly with NFA why is this happening now? The police took my phone and never returned it, I was led to believe this was standard procedure with them. They wont find anything on it other than corroboration that texts she sent and recieved were too and from me. My solicitor finds the whole episode of events really strange as do I.

    In the interview the only apparent evidence they had were textmessages and the possibility of dna from her clothing.

    We were close friends, possibly not the most conventional friendship you would find but it came about due to a mutual interest. She had issues and i had issues and we spent a lot of time helping each other through them when no one else would listen. Their were a lot of tears and hugs but nothing more. I was devastated when i learnt of the allegations and don't understand what I have done to upset her so much. Perhaps i treated her with more maturity than she deserved. She was 15 at the time and I was early thirties. The allegations were made about 6 months after we last spoke.

  • #2
    I really need help on this, I was close to suicide at the weekend but thankfully friends helped pull me back from the brink. I'm ok just now and plan to see the doctor this week but if I lose my job, i lose everything and really worry about my state of mind. The last few weeks has been an emotional rollercoaster and I dont think I can handle much more.


    • #3
      Hi timetofightback - i think you should be grateful you're not facing the prospect of a trial.

      Even if you lose your job you still will be able to rebuild your life and maybe even get compensation from your employers.

      All is not lost!


      • #4
        Hi Timetofightback,

        I would be interested to know what your job is - you don't need to be specific but I wondered if it was with children or similar, which you would need
        an enhanced disclosure to work with.

        Going by what you have written and the fact that the police still have your phone, I would suggest either you or the Solicitor write to your local Procurator Fiscal
        office and ask for an update on what is going on.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Seeking Justice View Post
          Hi timetofightback - i think you should be grateful you're not facing the prospect of a trial.
          That's a bit of a harsh way to put things!!!! anyone going through any stage of a FA is going through a living hell, regardless - not to mention if someone - like timetofightback - thought everything was over and then it starts all over again.......
          My understanding of NFA is that it just means that the police don't have enough evidence to continue with a prosecution; but they don't close the file, they just put it on hold until more evidence comes to light when they can resurrect it whenever they may be different in Scotland though. I guess you need to have a meeting with your sol and see what he/she can find out.... keep strong MH
          "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


          • #6
            Thanks guys,

            At my last meeting with my solicitor she claimed the charges were "not proceeded" which apparently is not the same as having them dropped altogether. My employers are contesting my version of events and are now looking for me to come up with hard evidence of what happened to me and wether the charges still stand or not. Up untill this week I was under the impression they did not but they are claiming they have been told different. They also gave the impression that my version of events differed wildly to what they had been informed.

            I'm at my wits end and paranoid that the police/court has now decided to go ahead with the case and might even have more charges lined up. Internet grooming was mentioned at the police interview which I was absolutly blown away by, we chatted regularly on facebook and by text and, yeah, a lot of personal and emotional stuff was exchanged but nothing of a sexual nature.


            • #7
              I apologise if that seemed harsh, it wasnt meant in that way at all - I was just trying to help the chap!

              Re-reading my post I can see that it does seem harsh so im sorry if my post was seen in this way.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Izzy View Post
                Hi Timetofightback,

                I would be interested to know what your job is - you don't need to be specific but I wondered if it was with children or similar, which you would need
                an enhanced disclosure to work with.

                Hi Izzy, I don't want to give away too much as this is an open forum and because I'm a new member I can't PM you. Basically I work for a major company in a direct customer facing role, whilst I don't specifically work with children I do come into contact with them in the same way a shopkeeper might.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Seeking Justice View Post
                  I apologise if that seemed harsh, it wasnt meant in that way at all - I was just trying to help the chap!

                  Re-reading my post I can see that it does seem harsh so im sorry if my post was seen in this way.
                  No offence taken, I can empathise with what you were trying to put across


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Seeking Justice View Post
                    I apologise if that seemed harsh, it wasnt meant in that way at all - I was just trying to help the chap!Re-reading my post I can see that it does seem harsh so im sorry if my post was seen in this way.
                    I was surprised!!!!!!
                    Guess that's the trouble with the written word - the intention is often lost because no meaning can be given with expression etc......
                    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by timetofightback View Post
                      Hi Izzy, I don't want to give away too much as this is an open forum and because I'm a new member I can't PM you. Basically I work for a major company in a direct customer facing role, whilst I don't specifically work with children I do come into contact with them in the same way a shopkeeper might.
                      That's fine - the reason I asked is that I would have posted a link to an organisation for teachers, plus I wondered if that was the reason for the police informing your work.

                      It's a horrible position to be in but from my understanding of it, once you are charged a report is sent to the PF office, as it didn't go into court on the
                      day there was obviously a reason why. Sometimes there will be further investigation or a wait for forensics, or it can just lie there as it's not top priority.

                      I'm sorry you have been suspended, do you have a union who can get involved and give you some support/advice?


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I have a union and they've been very good so far and I've had them involved from day 1.

                        It sure is a horrible situation to be in. From what you say i'm thinking the case was not proceeded to give them more time to get forensic evidence. Would it be enough for them just to establish the texts they relied so heavily on were indeed sent from my phone or were they looking for new evidence?

                        They also mentioned DNA on her clothing, what would that prove and is it even likely it'd still be there after 6 months?

