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Can't cope

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  • Can't cope

    Hi all

    Am having trouble dealing with all this and feel pretty kinda "let's see what the medicine cupboard has to offer". So much is wrong, so much points towards someone else but prove it. How? A sol doing nothing, a goliath of a person destroying a family, a family believing what goliath says Am on the brink of giving up, seriously....

  • #2
    Stay away from the cupboard chum, it is not an option trust me on that one.

    Time to talk to the sol, or maybe get another. The truth will prevail, it just takes time and can seem like an age.
    Still here


    • #3
      Thanks Dave

      Am still here......


      • #4
        Originally posted by Don'tbelieveit! View Post
        Hi all. Am having trouble dealing with all this and feel pretty kinda "let's see what the medicine cupboard has to offer".Am on the brink of giving up, seriously....
        Hi don'tbelieveit - good advice from Dave. Lots of us have felt the same (I got as far as arranging friends to look after my dogs and then wrote the note)....
        Soooo gladI didn't go through with it. It is a quick but VERY FINAL end to what you are feeling and going through right now.....If you did, people would say, "So he was guilty then and couldn't hack it..." and what about your family - and us too??? There's usually someone on here who can talk to you at most times of the day or night - but we can only help and talk to you if you talk to us....... Have you visited your GP, tried counselling or homeopathic aids? keep strong - the positive days will reappear......
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #5
          Originally posted by Don'tbelieveit! View Post
          Thanks Dave

          Am still here......
          Thank goodness - long may that continue - it's such a worry to read that someone is in despair and there's no way of checking they're ok still......
          "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


          • #6
            Thank you myhome.... that really touched my heart

