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update ... boyfriend accused of rape

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  • update ... boyfriend accused of rape

    Hi all just wanted to update you ! The police rang my partner on Friday last week and wanted my number , they told him nothing was found forensic wise in van and they'd only just sent phones off!! But she's been asked to investigate further ( so I taking that as they havnt found anything to charge ???).. So she wanted a statement of me . I've heard today and there coming tomorow to speak to me. I'm dead nervous but also kind of relieved because I feel I've got so much info and evidence to support my boyfriend :-) any advice or support would be so much appreciated , just want this nightmare to end :-S moo

  • #2
    I wouldnt read into anything too much. In my case they charged me straight away with no evidence and a large number is inaccuracies/contradictions in the complainant's statement.

    I know it may seem like they dont have enough yet, and it may well be the case, but I have learnt on my journey through this that the police and the cps delay constantly.

    There is no way to cope with the burden of it hanging over you but to just try to not think about it.

    I know its easier said than done!


    • #3
      Hi Moo
      I was a wreck when the police visited me for a statement in my hubbies case. To be honest
      the oic was polite and courteous. I was aware though that the police were investigating my husband
      and were not there to play nice guy, there was a a couple of months between hubbies interview and my statement and we had collected lots of evidence supporting my man in that time.
      Be as honest as you can but if you have defense evidence the police know nothing about don't give it all to them, if the case was to proceed to court you will need the info you have to use in defense for your man.
      Try not to worry too much just be as straight with them as is needed.LP
      Together We Can Beat This Hell


      • #4
        Thank you its made me feel bit better . Yh im planning on being honest as possible :-) just want to know what's going to happen so we can prepare :'(:'( .. LP. Is your husband case sorted ? Got any more advice . Your extremely helpfull , talking to someone who knows how I feel makes sooooo much difference :-)moo


        • #5
          Yeh my hubbies case is sorted now,The result was "NO Case to Answer... our daughter was the accuser and we have now found out that she told the truth in the end. Hang in there you will survive !
          Don't expect the officer to tell you much about the accusation, all they are interested in is getting your statement. LP
          Together We Can Beat This Hell


          • #6
            Hi Moo

            There really isn't any advice I can give you apart from be very careful of the police and make sure you read your statement very carefully before you sign it.

            I was interviewed in a bar of all the professional places in the world as they did not seem keen or me to know where my partner was. He wasn't given a phone all so I was frantic with worry all night.
            In my interview they kept trying to twist my words, saying things like so you noticed Your partner was gone.... When what I had actually said was he left for a cigarette . This of course could have lengthened the time period he was away from me to an undetermined length. Also they wrote that I said the females partner hassle described the pyjamas as sitting low and showing the genitalia which is in no way what I said. I said that her trousers were low slung and sitting at the very top of her hips but were in no way indecent. I even stood and actioned on myself where had been pointed so I was pretty mad at the false statement.

            I'm kind off glad now that they wouldn't tell me what he had been accused off at the time I was interviewed as it meant I was marginally calmer than I would have been

            Good luck tomorrow


            • #7
              Good luck for tomorrow. Keep calm and only answer what they ask you. Don't elaborate or offer anything they haven't asked.....they aren't your friends...remember they want to get your boyfriend convicted!
              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


              • #8
                Hi did you go on. LP
                Together We Can Beat This Hell


                • #9
                  Hi lp, she was here 3 hours my statement was 9 pages in the end :-/. I
                  feel it went ok . She was very nice and told me they were in partial
                  and were just trying to find the truth . She said there was several
                  discrepancies in her story and that when she read it , she felt that it
                  was a lie !! She also said that she wasn't the investigating officer ,
                  so wasn't able to say much ! ( feel she said alot though , for someone
                  who doesn't know ) apparently, they didn't know half the things I've
                  told them and she said id given some significant evidence . So overall,
                  it was Long and painful going over and over it all again but I answered
                  what I was asked and I feel a bit better knowing I physically can't do
                  anymore now to help , it truely is out if my hands .. Don't know what
                  to make of all she said . What do you think? I feel there basically
                  saying she's lying and there trying to disprove it happened, because
                  she did say that even though her job is to prove guilt, they also take
                  making FALSE aligations very seriously as much as they prove guilt they
                  also try to build a case to prove innocence. !!?? Don't want to get my
                  hopes up and I no she isn't on my side , but I did get the impression
                  she was generally biast and was more on our side . She kept saying ,
                  sorry its taken so long but we need to get to the truth and she's
                  trying to build a case for us!? .. Sorry this is so long , she said
                  alot ! And its 4am :-S couldn't sleep .. But thank you so much for
                  asking how it went xx


                  • #10
                    Sounds very much same as my interview, and that you had some good info they didn't know !
                    I was also given the impression that the police soon suss out the truth.
                    Don't expect a quick resolution tho, it took 2 months more before we heard anything further from the oic,
                    and I've seen it take longer for others on here.
                    Good Luck for a speedy resolution LP
                    Together We Can Beat This Hell

