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I feel sick

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  • I feel sick

    My partner was charged with rape yesterday and has been falsely accused.
    I know it is not true as I was in the house where it allegedly happened! He left me for no more than 5-7 minutes and 3-4 of those he was outside smoking. I heard him leave and come back!

    He was arrested has had the rape forensics test done and they will of course come back clear but will this be the end of it?

    He wasn't given a phone call and stupidly (or perhaps naively) didn't have a solicitor present during interview. The police have kept all of his clothes and his phone which he needs for work.

    We have been given no information, no word on the forensic tests and how long they should take and what happens when they are clear.

    How can he have been charged on just her word?

    I'm so lost and hurt! I don't understand how she could do this and how it got to this

  • #2
    Hi, and welcome to the forum

    Originally posted by How did this happen View Post
    My partner was charged with rape yesterday and has been falsely accused.
    To help members offer the correct advice can you clarify whether he has actually been charged or arrested, interviewed, and bailed on suspicion of rape.

    If it is the latter the following sticky will give you some idea of the process to come:
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      He has been arrested and released on bail having been charged with rape

      I just can't even think straight


      • #4
        I've just spoken to the people at Chris Saltrese who were very kind in my overly emotional state.
        They have told me that if my partner has only been given a date to return to the police station then he won't have been charged yet as if he had been charged he would have a date to go to the magistrates.

        They think because the date is so far in the future that there is very limited information and the police will be 'scrabbling' around.

        Hopefully when the forensics come back and show that there was no intercourse of any kind this whole nightmare will end.

        Of course it's never really going to end as life can never be the same again!!


        • #5
          Hi how did this happen

          I really feel for you in this difficult situation! It's tough, I know, having to go through the same thing with my husband. Case is different but things just drag on and on...

          We will keep our fingers and toes crossed for you that all goes well.

          Take care!


          • #6
            Hi don't believe it

            Thanks for the support I really hope things work out for you too.

            I just honestly can't believe this is happening, it's like a thoroughly ridiculous nightmare that I can't wake up from and we are only hours in I've no idea how we are going to get through the next few weeks and god forbid months

            I understand that rape is a terrible crime and that true victims should be supported but this kind of thing shouldn't be allowed to happen


            • #7
              I agree with you there. It is a nightmare and a never-ending one it seems at that. Things have lasted three and half months so far with us, without there having been any arrest, charges, interview - absolutely nothing.
              I know may be hard to believe, you will learn to cope. We are devastated of course, but knowing there is absolutely nothing behind the allegations does give you hope and the strength to not only carry on but fight to the bitter end.

              Hold your head high and fight


              • #8
                To clarify then, he has not been charged with rape - just arrested? There is a huge difference.

                Have the police spoken with you yet?
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he was questioned.
                  He was told he was being charged but the only paperwork he has is the notice of bail (with the date to return to the station) and the conditional bail.

                  Having read the paperwork I'm assuming that he has not actually been charged yet

                  Yes I was interviewed for over an hour and told the police everything I could remember including the fact that my partner was with me apart from two short toilet breaks
                  Last edited by How did this happen; 25 March 2013, 01:36 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by How did this happen View Post
                    He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he was questioned.
                    He was told he was being charged but the only paperwork he has is the notice of bail (with the date to return to the station) and the conditional bail.

                    Having read the paperwork I'm assuming that he has not actually been charged yet

                    Yes I was interviewed for over an hour and told the police everything I could remember including the fact that my partner was with me apart from two short toilet breaks
                    It appears he has simply been bailed to return.

                    The mentioning of 'charging' could've been a tactic during interview to place pressure on him?

                    "We don't believe you and will be charging so just own up" type of situation. When they think they've got you in a corner and just need that extra little bit of pressure they will try any trick.

                    If they have the clothes and the tests have been done then wait on the results and hopefully that'll be the end of it. Your partner is reasonably lucky that it is a present day allegation and he at least has the probability that the forensic evidence will clear him. It is not unheard off for a prosecution to proceed on other evidence IF it does exist or can be made to appear to exist....

                    Keep everything crossed in the meantime.

                    Welcome to the forum.
                    Wow... A signature option!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                      It appears he has simply been bailed to return.

                      The mentioning of 'charging' could've been a tactic during interview to place pressure on him?

                      "We don't believe you and will be charging so just own up" type of situation. When they think they've got you in a corner and just need that extra little bit of pressure they will try any trick.

                      If they have the clothes and the tests have been done then wait on the results and hopefully that'll be the end of it. Your partner is reasonably lucky that it is a present day allegation and he at least has the probability that the forensic evidence will clear him. It is not unheard off for a prosecution to proceed on other evidence IF it does exist or can be made to appear to exist....

                      Keep everything crossed in the meantime.

                      Welcome to the forum.
                      The forensics have to clear him, there was no intercourse by any means and there was no sexual contact.

                      Can anyone tell me what 'other evidence' there could possibly be made to appear?

                      I'm just in a flat out panic I'm so scared about how badly wrong this could go. I don't know anything about the process or what happens.

                      I've checked the Internet and that's just made me panic more, it all seems to be for the victim with no potential for malicious accusation.

                      I guess everyone here has found this out the hard way


                      • #12
                        Hi and welcome to the forum but sorry you had to find us.
                        You will get loads of advice and support - practical, legal and emotional on here. You will be going through an horrendous mixture of emotions from panic, terror to disbelief, and they will change from minute to minute and day to day. This is quite normal - which hopefully will be of a tiny bit of relief to realise what you are experiencing we have all experienced too. The initial weeks are the worst - the shock and not knowing what's going on....the shock does wear off after a while but is replaced by a rollercoaster of emotions, some of which you never knew existed... and it's horrible. Everyone has different ways of coping and many of us have found GP to be very supportive and you may want to consider counselling.

                        No-one can predict time span; some members have been NFA'd in 6 weeks, and others have had to wait up to 18 months to 4 years for trial, then to be found not guilty. I'm 4 and 1/2 months in to an historical FA which is supposed to have happened 23 years ago!!!

                        read lots of threads, posts and stickies on here; keep posting and we'll help all we can.

                        Keep strong
                        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                        • #13
                          Hi myhome

                          It's good to know the emotional rollercoaster is 'normal' I still feel in complete shock and sick all the time. I haven't managed to eat or sleep since Saturday when it happened and neither has my partner.

                          I'm trying so hard not to double question all the decisions, why did I decide to go visit, why did I let him go to the toilet alone..... He's a grown man I realise this is ridiculous!, why did I not go upstairs at the first shouting argument between the female and her female partner.

                          Then of course there is the hurt, this was a supposed friend of ours who has made these allegations..... Why would she do this??

                          I'm so worried about what other 'evidence' could be potentially taken into account as the forensics will be clear.

                          Sorry for offloading people I have nowhere else to do this. I cant tell friends and family as i'm scared of the 'no smoke without fire' attitude and i don't want to worry those that wouldn't do this. I know for some counselling is invaluable but for us it's not an option, I have tried it once and it wasn't for me and its definitely not for my partner he's too private.


                          • #14
                            Hi :-) im in same situation as you . My boyfriend has been accused too . It gets easier , you may not think it but it does . He is still on bail and the van waw taken for forensics . All I no about evidence is scientific is the important one and they are taking statements of myself and others . They took her phone and my partners too. So these are all classed as evidence ! Not sure if this helps :-) im so angry this could happen and inocent people have to go through this , whilst she sleeps soundly at night ! Pisses me off! Can't even get her done with anything ! But it gets easier . I'm giving my statement tomorrow :-S moo


                            • #15
                              Hi Moo1
                              Thanks for the support, I've read your posts and I know how you felt I'm just so incredibly angry. They are going off for the weekend and having fun and me and my partner will be furiously trying to fill the hours of the day so we don't have time to think about how she is ripping our lives apart.

                              It's so hard when you know it's not true, I mean I was literally in the house when this happened and he was only away from me for a few minutes. I'm clinging to the fact that this and the lack of forensic evidence will put this whole sorry matter to bed and hopefully quickly. My partner was told 2-3weeks for forensics.

                              Can anyone tell me if the supposed crime can be changed to attempted rape or molestation at this stage, I know neither of these are true either but I have lost all faith in the police. I mean I was a major witness to the event and they lost me!!!

                              I was taken to a hotel by the police that nights obviously I couldn't stay there and the investigating officers who were interviewing my partner didn't know where I was and asked him if I would still be in the house....AS IF!!!

                              Anyway good luck with your interview tomorrow

                              My home I forgot to say I hope it all sorts out for you..... See my head is so far out of it!

