Hi guys,
I hope you can help me, (again).
First the good news, hubby is back at work Monday after worrying about loosing his job. But they still haven't closed the case of the social worker. Hubby went to pick our grandchild up from school and wasn't allowed. So daughter contacted social services (ss) and they said the dc in charge of the case was on leave. Next thing, the ss phoned my daughter and made a appointment to visit her, which was Wednesday gone. It was a different ss as the original one had left. This ss didn't really know anything, so my daughter had to go through the ordeal of telling her. The ss implied that although people get found not guilty, in some cases they are and then said that there was still cause for concern.(what!) hubby still cannot see the grandchildren on his own, but can be on his own with every other child in the world. It just doesn't make sense. Ss said that they need to talk with the dc (detective) and get her version and then take it up with her boss. She also said some cases go on foe years rather than months. Do we need to get our sol involved or just keep calm?
Another matter is, were having an extension built and daughters family want to come live with us, will they be allowed? My hubby has done nothing wrong and was found unanimously not guilty. What part of that do they not understand. We just want to get on with our lives and put all this behind us.
Sorry everyone, I'm usually stron, but I don't like to see a grown man cry, especially my husband.
Thank you for letting me bend your ears
I hope you can help me, (again).
First the good news, hubby is back at work Monday after worrying about loosing his job. But they still haven't closed the case of the social worker. Hubby went to pick our grandchild up from school and wasn't allowed. So daughter contacted social services (ss) and they said the dc in charge of the case was on leave. Next thing, the ss phoned my daughter and made a appointment to visit her, which was Wednesday gone. It was a different ss as the original one had left. This ss didn't really know anything, so my daughter had to go through the ordeal of telling her. The ss implied that although people get found not guilty, in some cases they are and then said that there was still cause for concern.(what!) hubby still cannot see the grandchildren on his own, but can be on his own with every other child in the world. It just doesn't make sense. Ss said that they need to talk with the dc (detective) and get her version and then take it up with her boss. She also said some cases go on foe years rather than months. Do we need to get our sol involved or just keep calm?
Another matter is, were having an extension built and daughters family want to come live with us, will they be allowed? My hubby has done nothing wrong and was found unanimously not guilty. What part of that do they not understand. We just want to get on with our lives and put all this behind us.
Sorry everyone, I'm usually stron, but I don't like to see a grown man cry, especially my husband.
Thank you for letting me bend your ears
