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partner falsly accused . going out of my mind

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  • #16
    Yh I have friends who are police officers and they said the same . I hope to god it doesn't go to court but I know we have a fair amount of evidence and the actions of her do not say rape at all . Has your case been sorted out now? Hope it went ok . With my bf he didn't actually sleep with her ,so as long as we can show no sex took place ,there's no rape case . Thanks so much for taking the time to right to me :-)


    • #17
      Yeah i was in court a couple of weeks ago and was found unaimously not guilty. No problem, your in the right place here anyway. Big kudos for you for standing by him especially at your age! I couldnt have got through without my Girlfriend.


      • #18
        He's hurt me but I can't walk away . He's innocent and there's no way in this planet I'll let that ***** win! I hoping with the forensic ev and text and fb messages ut will be enough to get a nfa :-/ congrats on your result ! I hope ours doesn't go to court but im prepared either way . Its the waiting game that's hard .. Just want to know so we can deal with it whatever outcome . Just have to trust the evidence and forensics to prove no sex took place ! He's bailed until 7th may and im hoping hell get an answer then . But as I've read in your case, its not that simple sometimes :-( feel like ringing them asking what's going on but they prob won't tell me ! God .. I'm going crazy and this us only just over a week ago ; how the hell did all you guys cope for months and months !!!


        • #19
          Hi Moo1.....It's strange but it does get easier to cope with as time passes and you carry on best you can with
          your life. LP
          Together We Can Beat This Hell


          • #20
            Hi moo1

            its only been just less than a week for me too......

            Every day is a struggle, I cant sleep, I cant eat, time goes very slowly, its not so much the accusation as I know i'm innocent, but the fact they wont let me have any contact with the children.......I miss them so much its almost unbearable.

            it might not be much but I feel for you too.....


            • #21
              Originally posted by Moo1 View Post
              how the hell did all you guys cope for months and months !!!
              It's a question we all ask ourselves - but LP is right - once the initial shock has worn off the terror, nausea, fear, disbelief begin to wear off, but they are replaced by other emotions - and it's the world's worst rollercoaster.
              Several times people - including me - have posted, "I can't do this anymore!" But the way I've tried to deal with this with varying degrees of succcess is to ask myself what are the alternatives and I came up with these answers: 1) I could commit suicide - considered it but sooooo relieved I didn't; 2) I could become a quivering wreck and sit in a corner dribbling; 3) Dig deep, accept how many people love me and are supporting me, believe in my innocence and try to carry on a "normal" existence in the abnormal existance which I call, "My living hell..."
              And of course - logging in here every night and supporting others and makiing new on-line friends...... hope this helps....
              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


              • #22
                Hi Moo1, sorry you have found yourself here -
                how the hell did all you guys cope for months and months !!!
                I think the answer to that is quite simply that there is no choice, you have to. It's gut wretching in the beginning but as others have said it becomes like a rollercoaster - up and down from day to day but you do learn to live with it.

                It's not unlike the 5 stages of loss and grief, only in a different context


                • #23
                  Thanks guys !:-) Its a comfort to know that your all here . I just hate the waiting game .... And I know it could drag on and on like I've read with many cases on here . I feel helpless. I'm not sure if I should be being pro active but I can't see what I can do untill we know if he's being charged or not . His bail is 7th may and im prepared for it too be moved back :-S just can't actually believe this has happened to us!! And why the hell some silly skank would make up such a life changing thing ! But thank you all for your words they are helping .. I've began to sleep a bit better and eat more so im heading in the right direction ! :-) the one thing that keeps going around in my head the most is , is it likely hell be charged if they find no evidence ? So when forensics on van come back with nothing and the two phones texts are retrieved and it shows she contacted him in numerous accations after alledged event .. Wouldn't that be enough to clear him? No sex ,no rape surely?!?!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by browndown77 View Post
                    Hi moo1

                    its only been just less than a week for me too......

                    Every day is a struggle, I cant sleep, I cant eat, time goes very slowly, its not so much the accusation as I know i'm innocent, but the fact they wont let me have any contact with the children.......I miss them so much its almost unbearable.

                    it might not be much but I feel for you too.....
                    thank you , it is such a comfort to have people to speak to about it !:-) One thing I haven't got to deal with is children ,but I feel for you as I bet its the worst feeling :'( I hope its sorted quickly . Yes its the same with us . I'm a women ,and I do think people should be punished for rape etc but its the fact that its all lies that's so annoying,aggrivating etc etc ... Moo :-)

