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some advice please

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  • some advice please

    i have been falsely accused of historical rape of a minor, i have lost my job my home and my confidence, the solicitor i have is legal aid and isn't really helping me at all (told me not to bother calling him as the police wont tell him anything) i need to know where i can get a decent legal aid sol from im in the Hampshire area but that is about all i can say about my location, i am worried that they could find this and use it against me .. i am so scared... they have arrested me and let me out on bail but i have to do daily sign on ... my first bail hearing is due at the end of the month .. please help

  • #2

    Welcome to you and your housemate.
    I am not really keen on medicine but if you feel unwell,I would suggest you go to your GP.

    While the police is investigating,I am afraid that your solicitor is right and can't help you much.
    The only occasions he could would be in the event you are interviewed or charged.

    If you still want to change the only solicitor I know on the border of Hampshire is:

    Mr Alphonsus Doran

    Levales Solicitors LLP,
    Barfied House,
    Grove Road,
    Ash Vale,
    Surrey GU12 5BD

    Tel: 01252 334915
    Fax: 01252 313958
    Non,je ne regrette rien.


    • #3
      Hi hurtandconfused and welcome to the forum but sorry you had to find us. You will get a wealth of information, advice and support on here - both legal and emotional. read lots of threads and you will find you are not alone - keep strong
      "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


      • #4
        In the interim, there is little a solicitor can do sadly as they will not be given disclosure of details until you are charged (IF you are charged)
        Try and look after yourself. Store anything safely that you find and keep it away from the police. The advice from Boys Dont Cry is spot on.
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #5
          Unfortunately the police don't like to give running updates as to where the case is upto.
          Its often hard for people not used to the Criminal Justice System to see the delay where weeks or months go passed with seemingly no developments in their case.

          From the Solicitors perspective at this stage the most any of us can do is chase the officer regarding your re-bail date (are you going to be required to attend/reinterview etc), have a word with you regarding any immediately concerns you have, (unless their is any immediate evidence the police need to preserve but haven't bothered eg cctv, injuries to take photos etc)

          Things don't really get going until the Solicitors get the papers at Court and for the first time are able to go begin to prepare a persons defence.

          As for changing Solicitors. Unfortunately for legal aid, you can only have one at the police station stage (very limited exceptions to that which by sound of it don't apply here).
          If you sacked your current one, then were to be re-interviewed your new solicitor can't claim under legal aid as its one police station case one fee. New Solicitor may have to charge you privately.

          In the worst case scenario you were to be charged, you can then apply for legal aid for the magistrates/crown court with whichever legal aid firm you like. (But be aware once its granted the courts don't like to transfer legal aid).
          Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.

