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Would really appreciate some help and advice

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  • #46
    I don't agree! I'd be so ANGRY if this happened to me! The OIC was obviously OOO! I have to say... Stick to the safe side ..... inform your sol and ask what he/she suggests? Did you find someone good, btw?


    • #47
      Hi all. My second bail date was up a few days ago and yet again I have been re-bailed for another 6 weeks.

      Apparently because it is a complex case (because she's accused others- I don't know who or what but it's all linked according to the OIC) it's taking longer to go through the CPS.

      I'm so frustrated, I just want to know what's going on! It's like the dentist, the waiting is the worst bit!

      @whatsgoingon - I am still with the duty solicitor atm. I will be looking into specialist solicitors should I be charged.


      • #48
        Hi qwerty - indeed the waiting is horrendous - plod just doesn't seem to realise that a person with feelings emotions and family is dangling on the other end of their indifference. Really would be good if they had to spend a few days with a FA'd person just to experience the effect on their life....might open their eyes to the real world a bit.................
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #49

          Hi all, have finally been given the news after 4 months that I've been NFA'd! I am so relieved. The woman had also accused 2 other people and they have been NFA'd too, according to the OiC. Apparently the passport was ''crucial evidence''. I am now thinking of counteracting the accuser by taking out a civil case for defamation of character/perverting the cause of justice. The level of trauma she has caused to me and my family in the past 4 months has been unbearable at times, so I know I cannot just leave it here, she needs to be reprimanded in some way to show people that they can't just come out with rubbish like this and ruin people's lives. Has anyone out there counteracted their accuser, if so, how did it go & what's the procedure? Thanks.


          • #50
            Hi qwerty

            That's great news!!!

            I am glad that this is over for you and you can get on with your life!!!

            Chuck me a banana back when it's my time to get them. "touch wood"


            • #51
              Qwerty - that's brilliant news!! The plod should do her for wasting police time!

              But for now, all that matters is:

              sweet dreams!


              • #52
                Thanks everyone.

                Originally posted by is there justice? View Post
                The plod should do her for wasting police time!!
                Apparently the police won't do it. I have to get in touch with a solicitor and they will tell me how I can counteract her. I hope other people who have been NFA'd are doing the same, this can't keep happening to innocent people. I'll chuck you all a banana when you've got your NFA's


                • #53
                  Hi Qwerty
                  Excellent News, Congratulations !!
                  Heres the ...... LP
                  Together We Can Beat This Hell


                  • #54

                    Just rec'd this back from my solicitor's colleague who specialises in deformation etc. Seems as if I won't be able to counter-claim her after all So frustrating. I have been wronged so I should be able to legally fight back.

                    It sounds that he is wanting to bring a defamation action. Such proceedings are issued in the high court and are very expensive.

                    He would have to illustrate on the balance of probability that the assertions made are untrue and also that accuser has made representations to third parties that has damaged his reputation. I normally explain that there is no real surprise that the only people you see bringing defamation actions is a celebrity as the level of damages awarded is usually dependant on the number of people the 'lies' or representations have been made to and the damage that has on his character.

                    We would also have to prove that representations have been made to third parties i.e. facebook comments, conversations with neighbours something along those lines.

                    I would estimate costs to be in the region of £12,000.00, there is no legal aid for this type of action. I would be happy to draft a letter on his behalf but would not advise issuing proceedings.


                    • #55
                      Brilliant news, so pleased to be able to unload the banana boat again this week
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #56
                        YIPPPPPEEEEEEEE SKIPPPPPPPEEEEEEE - just lurve hitting the bananas - give yourself time to heal.....
                        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                        • #57
                          Excellent news Qwerty.

                          I am glad to read that the passport was ''crucial evidence''.

                          Non,je ne regrette rien.


                          • #58
                            Brilliant news , Qwerty!

                            Unbelievable that the police can't charge her with false accusation. Surely, they're familiar with the CPS guidelines:


                            No wonder the figures for false allegation prosecutions are so low!

                            These are rightfully yours... don't go eating them all at once, now!

