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Would really appreciate some help and advice

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Qwerty View Post
    Give me more information on what will be happening at the CPS/Police as I have no clue about the justice system.
    That's your solicitor's job.
    They have contact with the police/CPS in your case whereas a charity helpline do not.

    Please, once again, read the related threads in the Useful info section.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #32
      Yes thanks Casehardened, I just found that 5 minutes ago. How do I find a FA specialist solicitor in my area? I've been on the thread in the Useful Info section and there's not one in Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire that I can see. If I can find one I'll ring them in the morning and see what they make of it all.

      They have contact with the police/CPS in your case whereas a charity helpline do not.
      I understand that. What exactly is their function then, serious question.


      • #33
        Emotional support, advice with what to do in the interim, someone to talk to who understands. All advisors on the line have been through something similar themselves. Their most important function is to show youre not alone and provide a human voice for you to open up to. They can't give you legal advice.
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #34
          Originally posted by Faith View Post
          advice with what to do in the interim
          She didn't give me any, other than ''jog your memory''. I will try and find a local, specialist solicitor to ring tomorrow and see what they make of the case. I think I'm just so frustrated at having to wait for a conclusion to all this, I just want things to start moving so it can be over. I feel like I'm in limbo with the same carousel of thoughts and worries going round and round in my head. How I'm going to be able to live like this until 30th April or beyond, I don't know. And I still don't understand how someone's statement can be classed as evidence; I could say I met Elvis Presley in 1977 but that doesn't mean it's true! Just to say I'm not calling anyone a liar and I am very grateful for everyone that's taken the time to respond to me but I have been thrown in at the deep end with this & everything I thought I knew about the justice system is all turning out to be wrong.


          • #35
            Hi there Querty

            Being on this forum has given me a real insite in to the world of british justice, but one thing stands out more than anything else.....

            if any of you remember the X files? Mulder's famous saying....... "Trust No One"


            • #36
              Originally posted by Qwerty View Post
              And I still don't understand how someone's statement can be classed as evidence
              Join the club! The only answer I can give to this is that 'liberal' politicians*/general public*/gutter-press media* (*select any combination as desired) have concluded in their collective 'wisdom' to make sexual offences a special case and have framed (pun intended) the evidential rules for these accordingly.

              When this issue comes up, as it frequently does, I always use the analogy of what might happen if you went into your local police station and attempted to report, say a burglary, that had actually happened 12 months previously, never mind 12 years. Imagine the puzzlement and scepticism you would be met with, never mind the questioning along the lines of "where is your evidence for this accusation?"

              I am afraid you are on your particular 'Road to Damascus', hopefully you won't emerge at the other end with a dislike of the police service (after all they are just chasing targets set for them by the Government) but any hallowed ideals you may have had about our 'justice' system will be shattered.

              Listen to what others have suggested to you as to beat this system you have to first understand the 'rules' that it is played by.
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • #37
                Originally posted by Faith View Post
                What did you expect her to do?
                That's a bit unfair Faith! Telephone advisers can only advise on the info they are given. We don't know what info and how much of it was given to the adviser.

                I am assured that FASO helpline advisers are trained so I cannot see that the only thing said would be to 'try to remember' or 'jog your memory'. If that really was the case then Margaret need to be informed.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                  That's a bit unfair Faith!
                  Is it? These telephone advisers are volunteers and, as you say, can only advise on the information they are given and cannot offer legal advice. They give up their spare time to help people with situations that are very close to their own hearts and past traumas. I would say it was more unfair to imply that they are useless.

                  Sometimes people expect a little bit too much, as you yourself know best of all. People can only help you as much as you help yourself.
                  "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                  Numbers 32:23


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Faith View Post
                    Is it? These telephone advisers are volunteers and, as you say, can only advise on the information they are given and cannot offer legal advice. They give up their spare time to help people with situations that are very close to their own hearts and past traumas. I would say it was more unfair to imply that they are useless.

                    Sometimes people expect a little bit too much, as you yourself know best of all. People can only help you as much as you help yourself.
                    I said: Telephone advisers can only advise on the info they are given. We don't know what info and how much of it was given to the adviser.
                    I wasn't having a pop at you, you silly bear!! They aren't useless at all. I didn't mean to imply they were.

                    They can only go on what they've been told as I said - rather like me in my work. I get told info and then when I get the paperwork I find the truth is rather different to what I was told - that's how I can sometimes distinguish between the guilty and innocent.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #40
                      I know hon...I meant I felt the OP was implying they werent up to much.

                      Yes...exactly, you are a perfect example of where people can really take the p!ss. I iz defensive over my big sistah so particularly hate when people show lack of gratitude these days!
                      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                      Numbers 32:23


                      • #41
                        AWWWW bless
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #42
                          Hi all. Just to update. My bail date was yesterday but I had a phonecall from my solicitor to say they are extending it. She said it's with the CPS now.

                          Turns out I'm not the only person she's accusing. I don't know who obviously, but the officer has let slip there are others with similar accusations. So I guess it will take a bit longer than I thought.

                          I have a new problem, though. The OIC of the case went to visit my nephew today, who has a similar name to my brother. She's obviously looking for him and got mixed up and gone to my nephew, despite me telling her my brother's full name and area of residence. Anyway, she mentioned that she was looking for him regarding a Domestic Abuse case which involved me, and that I knew about it.

                          Needless to say I have been trying not to tell many people about this, because of the stigma etc., so I am VERY put out that this officer has got her people mixed up and not only that but she's divulged the nature of the case and named me. These particular family members have mouths the size of the Mersey tunnel and will love telling anyone and everyone that I'm involved in some sort of abuse.

                          Can I/Should I make a complaint against this officer? If so, should I wait until the case has been dropped before I rock the boat? Also, why are they still making inquiries when it's gone to the CPS?

                          I was already going to complain about her because when she drove me home after the interview at the station she was driving at 80-90 mph, it was totally reckless not to mention way over the legal speed limit! But we all know the police get away with a lot and can make your life difficult so I'm wondering what, if anything, to do. Her informing my nephew and his family has really annoyed me though.

                          Thanks for any further advice!


                          • #43
                            I wouldn't do anything at this stage as you don’t know if things are going to go any further yet.......

                            The Police look after their own! and if you start to make trouble for them it may just backfire on you however justified it is. I would wait until it's all over then make complain to anyone who will listen..... IPCC, Police and Crime Commissioner, local MP, Papers ect

                            This is just my personal opinion others may have a different view.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by browndown777 View Post
                              I wouldn't do anything at this stage as you don’t know if things are going to go any further yet.......

                              The Police look after their own! and if you start to make trouble for them it may just backfire on you however justified it is. I would wait until it's all over then make complain to anyone who will listen..... IPCC, Police and Crime Commissioner, local MP, Papers ect

                              This is just my personal opinion others may have a different view.
                              Good post browndown - I agree with you - wait til it's all over then you can concentrate on that part of all this, whereas at the moment I think you need to be concentrating on preparing and building your own defence, and not be sidetracked by something else which can wait a while -- hope this helps MH
                              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                              • #45
                                I agree too. Leave it at the moment as it may do more harm. I am facing a similar situation. It's not a police officer but a party who is sticking her nose far to in something she knows nothing about. She will have to answer to what she has done in good time, and I can't wait for that!

                                Take care


