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  • #16
    Prayers and everything crossed for you and your husband Hol. You've been great throughout.
    Your angels will be there for you .


    • #17
      Hi Hol.... You have all gone through this trial with courage and dignity.
      May the Angels bless you with the best result.
      I have everything crossed that I can (not easy at my age ! )
      and am sending you strength for tomorrow.... and my lucky clover LP
      Together We Can Beat This Hell


      • #18
        I wish your husband and your family the right decision Hope.
        Non,je ne regrette rien.


        • #19
          Originally posted by myhome View Post
          Hi Hol - the tension and strain must be unbearable for you both and myheart goes out to you for what you are having to go through.....
          Yes - juries can take days, they can also take minutes!!!

          I'm not one for praying as such but I will ask the Angels to visit you both and give you strength, courage and peace......looking forward to hitting the bananas....
          Thanks myhome your a star. And you don't need to pray to be a caring person. You have given me more than enough of your encouragement to get through the times and I thank you from the bottom of my heart Hol


          • #20
            Good luck today Hol, I think you will be just fine, but i will be thinking of you.


            • #21
              Originally posted by hol View Post
              sorry it's late but what a day. My husband was in court all day today apart from lunch. It was toucher not being in there. Till 4pm that is. I herd my name and thought here goes. The defence barrister started questioning me for about ten to fifteen minutes and then they adjourned it till tomorrow.
              Oh god another day. Hopefully, they'll finish with me, get my daughter up and then they can give their own conclusion then leave it overnight for the jury to decide then wednesday we'll know our fate.
              I can't believe my husband had to go through all this, the same old saying, "this never happens to us", but it can happen to anyone.
              Dreading tonight, can't sleep, bad dreams etc. Holding on by my teeth.
              Going to try and unwind, but it's so hard.
              Talk tomorrow
              thanks all
              morning to everyone.
              Last night was the worst night ever. I feel for you out there who have been in my position and who are going through it.
              I am switching off when i have sent this message and will return tonight unless it doesn't go our way. I don't think i will have the energy to come on and let everyone know if it's bad news. But i will not let you down, i will bcome back on.
              Im crying, want to scream, want to hold my husband forever. I don't want to walk out the front door. Oh my god. My friends i have been talking to, i wish you all had magic wands. My insides are crying out. I look at my husband and see fear in his eyes as he does mine. After knowing each other thirty five years, how can this happen. I was holding in there, but now my insides are crumbling. Oh god, need to go.
              hol x


              • #22
                oh Hol, I do hope that you are reading this with a smile and your husband by your side.

                Calm, strength and dignity to you x
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                • #23
                  Right at the wire is gut wrenching. This will very very possibly be the worst day of your lives at the moment. The lowest of the low with regards feelings and emotions.

                  It can only rise.

                  Regardless of what happens today you are both alive.

                  It's odd what happens in the mind as a NG verdict results in a swing in the opposite direction and seems to become almost 'unbelievable' yet it IS real. There is then a level out, delve back into depression and then a stead and prolonged rise. How quickly it all happens seems to vary and yo-yo-ing up and down seems to be pretty normal.

                  I am wishing you guys the absolute best for today and hoping that the jury return quickly with a Not Guilty.

                  Wow... A signature option!


                  • #24
                    Good Luck. LP
                    Together We Can Beat This Hell


                    • #25
                      Keep going Hol, not long to go now. Thinking of you.

                      Last edited by whatsgoingon?; 6 March 2013, 10:06 AM.


                      • #26
                        Will be thinking of you all day
                        Sending you my prayers
                        Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


                        • #27
                          Thinking of you Hol and sending you positive thoughts xx


                          • #28
                            Been thinking of you and logging in and out all day hoping for news......please let us know......
                            .MEGA HUGS.....
                            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                            • #29
                              Me too MH ...hope you are ok Hol
                              Together We Can Beat This Hell


                              • #30
                                Me too! I really hope its all going ok.

