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First of all CONGRATULATIONS! I have been following your threads on here and hoping for a positive outcome for you and your little family.
I suspect now your husband has been cleared you want to shout it from the rooftops and I don't blame you. I actually work for a national newspaper and might be able to help you out if you get back to me. Would love to help you publicly clear his name. There would be some money in it for you Shall we have a chat?
I don't know how to message you directly but if you're interested, post me your email address and I'll send you my number.
Hi scaredwife - hope you've had a great evening - just be careful of this offer - read other threads about journalists offering stuff on here.....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
NOT GUILTY!!! Unanimous verdict after less than 2 hours deliberation.
Not ashamed to admit that I screamed out YES and burst into floods of tears and sobbed my eyes out when the verdict was read.
Thank you so much to everyone for your amazing love and support you have shown us (my husband is cabins_2011 who posted about telling his employer, for those who read that thread)
We will of course continue to post to support other people who go through this hell.
We love you all xxxxxxx
Wishing you every happiness for eternal life together.May god bless you and guide you through to better times ahead.
This has and should demonstrate to us all that hope excists and has been favoured to there wonderous news.
Don't be fooled Scaredwife and members, only one post from Gemma and offering money...
At least the others had the dignity and honesty to write for which media company they are working for and otherwise their email address.
Hi Boys Don't Cry and Scaredwife. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my last post. I am a journalist and I do work for a newspaper. I wasn't trying to conceal that in any way. Forgive me if I'm cautious but I didn't think posting a work email address on a public forum was a wise idea, particularly as I didn't even know whether Scaredwife and her husband would be interested in sharing their experiences. As I said before, though, more than happy to give contact details if they are interested in doing a piece to show how traumatic it can be for the victims of women who 'cry rape'.
You seem to hear a lot on the press about the men who are convicted, but very little about those who are wrongly accused and then found NG. I think to go public about the horrific consequences something like this can have can only be a good thing. Also, the fact that Scaredwife has stuck by her partner throughout is a testiment to their relationship. Her point of view and experiences would also be of interest.
Not out to turn anyone over, here, or to apply any pressure - just to offer an opportunity to speak out if they want to.
First of all CONGRATULATIONS! I have been following your threads on here and hoping for a positive outcome for you and your little family.
I suspect now your husband has been cleared you want to shout it from the rooftops and I don't blame you. I actually work for a national newspaper and might be able to help you out if you get back to me. Would love to help you publicly clear his name. There would be some money in it for you Shall we have a chat?
I don't know how to message you directly but if you're interested, post me your email address and I'll send you my number.
Hi Boys Don't Cry and Scaredwife. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my last post. I am a journalist and I do work for a newspaper. I wasn't trying to conceal that in any way. Forgive me if I'm cautious but I didn't think posting a work email address on a public forum was a wise idea, particularly as I didn't even know whether Scaredwife and her husband would be interested in sharing their experiences. As I said before, though, more than happy to give contact details if they are interested in doing a piece to show how traumatic it can be for the victims of women who 'cry rape'.
You seem to hear a lot on the press about the men who are convicted, but very little about those who are wrongly accused and then found NG. I think to go public about the horrific consequences something like this can have can only be a good thing. Also, the fact that Scaredwife has stuck by her partner throughout is a testiment to their relationship. Her point of view and experiences would also be of interest.
Not out to turn anyone over, here, or to apply any pressure - just to offer an opportunity to speak out if they want to.
Hi Gemma
I think you were perfectly clear in your initial post. You stated that you are a journalist working for a national paper. No ambiguity there at all. We regularly get requests from journalists asking if anyone wants to tell their story. Some of our members do and some (understandably) are very wary, having already been hauled over the coals by some of your colleagues.
I think the main issue BDC has (and I agree with him) is that you haven't posted here at all until now, and you muscled in on Scaredwife's thread. She has just been through a highly traumatic ordeal; you cannot possibly understand what she and her family have experienced. You claim to have followed her thread, but you certainly haven't offered any support. Yet you miraculously appear, after the Not Guilty verdict, offering money if she tells you her story. I am absolutely convinced that, had the verdict been Guilty you would have shown absolutely no interest at all. No message of condolence, nothing.
If you want to tout for people to talk to, set up your own thread. Don't hijack this one.
Last edited by Saffron; 2 March 2013, 07:22 PM.
Reason: adding
I'm not here to argue. I sincerely apologise if I didn't use the right protocol by starting a new thread. I wanted to address Scaredwife directly and can't see a way to do that other than responding to hers. I don't often use forums.
I hadn't commented before, for the very reason you state yourself - that I have no personal experience in this area or advice to offer and wouldn't pretend to understand fully. Like you say, Scaredwife was going through a very difficult time - from what I read, I could see she was here for support from others who had experienced that, not the comments of a member of the press.
I understand caution when dealing with the press, but with respect, you don't know who my 'colleagues' are or who I or anyone else has 'dragged over the coals'. The reality is, in fact quite the opposite.
Yes, I'm a journalist, but I'm trying to highlight the struggle of the many people who are falsely accused every year - not just of rape but other offences. I have been researching the area, have submitted requests to the Ministry of Justice and the CPS for data under the Freedom of Information Act and am trying to find people to speak out about their experiences to strengthen the investigation. I hope to highlight how big a problem false accusations are and the emotional cost to the accused and their families as well as the financial burden they put on the government. It's about a move towards change. In short, if I were to put it bluntly: I'm on your side.
The one person who doesn't seem to have a problem with my post is the one person I was addressing. Hopefully because she is enjoying being with her family.
I'll say again - Scaredwife, if you wish to talk, with full copy approval and a signed agreement that nothing will be printed unless you have vetted it -get in touch. And as I said twice in my initial message - congratulations again. And if you don't wish to speak, I respect that, too.
Can we please return to topic. It is not appropriate to derail this thread any further. Any further discussion on the matter should be discussed on a new thread.
It really hasn't sunk in yet. I havent posted my own thoughts/feelings since the trial finished, but I think my wife (as thread originator) has perfectly summed it up with the emotions that we went through last week. I am back at work now and things are slowly starting to settle down again, and get back into some element of routine/normality.
Have so much to look forward to and many things to plan for this year, and the future. Thanks to everyone in this thread who has extended congratulations and support. Although I have mainly stuck to viewing, rather than posting, it has been invaluable.
It really hasn't sunk in yet. I havent posted my own thoughts/feelings since the trial finished, but I think my wife (as thread originator) has perfectly summed it up with the emotions that we went through last week. I am back at work now and things are slowly starting to settle down again, and get back into some element of routine/normality.
Have so much to look forward to and many things to plan for this year, and the future. Thanks to everyone in this thread who has extended congratulations and support. Although I have mainly stuck to viewing, rather than posting, it has been invaluable.
Pleased that you guys made it out the other end and are starting to get back to almost normality.
Keep the year busy and the positivity rolling in. Nothing can compare to the hell you both must've been through so anything that happens now is better and with the effort you seem to be keen to expend it'll be awesome. You guys deserve it.
Hi Cabins,
Congratualations! Did you tell them in the end?
Good luck with the rest - don't be surprised for the swings and round-abouts and incredible fatigue you will have accumulated.
All the best