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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hol View Post
    It's hard today when he goes to his barrister and I can't be with him because I'm a witness for the other side. The pc did this to prevent me going in the court room. But my best friend is standing in my place throughout all the ordeal she been so good.

    You're obviously worried about being a witness for the prosecution and having to give evidence against your husband.

    Do have a read of the stickies about what to expect at trial; some of the advice about giving evidence will equally apply to you. Click on

    The prosecuting barrister is just doing his job so don't get angry or flustered at the awful things he will suggest to you, inviting you to agree; just look at the jury and politely and firmly tell them the truth as you see it.

    Your husband's barrister will then have he opportunity to cross-examine you and, if he's doing his job properly, will give you the chance to put a positive spin forward.

    Of course if a 'prosecution' witness comes out batting for the defence this is going to make an impression on the jury, so think of it as a 'positive'!

    And if at all possible try to have an early night beforehand!
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #32
      Thank you

      All this advice is so positive and I thank you so much. I will check out the site and it will help me get my head in gear.
      I feel like a child sometimes who needs her mum, but if I I cave in to her it will make her I'll. My husband lost his dad this time last year and his brother three months after. His mum is in a dimenture? Home and he has only us.
      But on the flip side, we've been waiting for this day and hopefully put it behind us and live.
      Thanks again


      • #33
        Hi Hol - I replied to your other thread,,,,,,,,
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #34
          Casehardened's advice is absolutely spot in with regards to being a witness at the tiral. Hol, did you speak to your legal team about being a witness for your husband. It's as Caseharded says, there is no property in a is a common, and cruel, trick to make a partner/wife feel they can't attend as a defense witness when they have been called by the prosecution

          If this is too late, once again, refer to Casehardened's tell it how YOU see it calmly. At the end of the day, it doesnt matter who is questioning you, all you have to do is tell the truth.
          "Be sure your sin will find you out"

          Numbers 32:23


          • #35

            Thanks for that. It's so scary. The barrister said he'll have a field day if they get me up. So hope that's a good sign.
            A bit shaky now
            Thanks again


            • #36
              Good luck this week. It will be tough and an ordeal. It will litterally exhaust the pair of you, but just listen to what your barrister says ask him questions if your unsure, most importantly tell the truth annd stick to it, no matter what dirty tricks they try and pull.

              Ill be thinking of you both.


              • #37
                Hi Hol....We will be thinking of you this week and sending positive vibes.
                Stay strong ! LP
                Together We Can Beat This Hell


                • #38
                  Good luck to you and your husband for the following few days Hol. It's as Billy has said - hard and exhausting, but you'll get through it.
                  Be kind to yourselves and we look forward to a positive outcome for you both (and posting a few bananas!).


                  • #39
                    Hi Hol - sending lots of positive thoughts across the airwaves to billy says, don't underestimate the emotional exhaustion you will feel so plan something relaxing and lovely for you both to do in the evenings......
                    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by billykickass View Post
                      good luck this week. It will be tough and an ordeal. It will litterally exhaust the pair of you, but just listen to what your barrister says ask him questions if your unsure, most importantly tell the truth annd stick to it, no matter what dirty tricks they try and pull.

                      Ill be thinking of you both.
                      thankyou so much.
                      Will keep you updated


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by lonley place View Post
                        hi hol....we will be thinking of you this week and sending positive vibes.
                        Stay strong ! Lp
                        thankyou. Cant say much more
                        youve been great


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View Post
                          Good luck to you and your husband for the following few days Hol. It's as Billy has said - hard and exhausting, but you'll get through it.
                          Be kind to yourselves and we look forward to a positive outcome for you both (and posting a few bananas!).
                          Thank you oh so much. You've all been a life saver


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by myhome View Post
                            Hi Hol - sending lots of positive thoughts across the airwaves to billy says, don't underestimate the emotional exhaustion you will feel so plan something relaxing and lovely for you both to do in the evenings......
                            Thank you once again. Don't know what I would have done without you. Will keep you all posted


                            • #44
                              I am new here but just wanted to say good luck xxx
                              Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


                              • #45
                                Thank you

                                Originally posted by wonderwoman2012 View Post
                                I am new here but just wanted to say good luck xxx
                                Hi there sorry you have to be here but welcome and trust me all your advice, help and friends are here. In bits at the moment so will fill everyone in later today when we get back home.

                                I will read your forum later. Keep your chin up

