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OMG...AT LAST.....No case to answer !!!!!

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  • #16
    s from me as well.

    I hope your daughter will realise she is with the wrong one and that you will be reunited as a family.

    Non,je ne regrette rien.


    • #17
      Thank you Lawlessone.....Things are going ok, after the initial elation theres an emptiness and feeling down for hubby. We fought the battle and we will fight on for a sense of peace to return. The falsely accused are raked through the mud and then left in the ditch to sort the emotions alone !! LP
      Together We Can Beat This Hell


      • #18
        Brilliant news LP

        I have a family member who had a brain tumour removed so can understand a bit of how your daughter has been manipulated.


        • #19
          Originally posted by lonley place View Post
          Thank you Lawlessone.....Things are going ok, after the initial elation theres an emptiness and feeling down for hubby. We fought the battle and we will fight on for a sense of peace to return. The falsely accused are raked through the mud and then left in the ditch to sort the emotions alone !! LP
          I'm sorry you guys even had to go through it!


          Sad state of affairs that this country has gotten itself into. From your postings it was clear what was happening and yet things were dragged on for so long. It's not even as if I could read a bias in your postings, they were clear and to the point and yet the people who are apparently in charge and capable of making decisions made a hash of the situation and were unable to do the correct thing.

          I'm supposing that the main issue is that these people are not being held accountable for their wrongful actions.

          I can only hope that the future brings many changes not only for the idiots at the realm but also for you and your family. I cannot foresee what is going to happen but I am hoping that it is positive and fulfilling for all those involved.

          Have some more of them bouncy things....
          Wow... A signature option!


          • #20
            Thanks All...I am sure the sorry aftermath will in time be sorted out.
            Just a quick question, what does "no case to answer" mean in our case ?
            The oic told hubby that it means there will be no mention of this accusation on his record.
            The case didn't reach cps. LP
            Together We Can Beat This Hell


            • #21
              No case to answer means just that...there is no case. As it never reached CPS, there will be no criminal record.
              There is a minor chance an arrest may show up on an ENHANCED CRB, but if the OIC is saying it wont then that could be a good sign. It is at the police's own discretion as to what appears.

              As to anything else, there is no caution, reprimand or conviction of any kind, so no need to declare it on anything such as future employments and most travelling (The USA and Australia might be exceptions to this but even then I dont think its a huge obstacle)

              The dip after the elation is normal. Take some time to ride the different waves of emotion. Recovery is a long process, can't be rushed.
              It is a type of grief, treat it no less seriously.

              I am so glad the right outcome was reached at last. And I am very happy to see that you plan on sticking around. You have been a solace and support to others and your experience will benefit many members in the future who are unfortunate to find themselves in these situations.

              I don't believe Ive given any bananas yet so here we go...always delighted to press this icon!
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #22
                Thank You Faith. We thought that's what no case to answer meant but we needed confirmation.
                Being Falsely Accused is a very difficult path to walk for everyone involved, our case opened our eyes to
                a very unbalanced legal system and the problem that causes the falsely accused. We could never just turn our backs on others
                who find themselves in this sad situation. We are here to stay and will be supporting anyone who needs it. LP
                Together We Can Beat This Hell


                • #23
                  Originally posted by lonley place View Post
                  Thank You Faith.
                  We could never just turn our backs on others who find themselves in this sad situation. We are here to stay and will be supporting anyone who needs it. LP
                  The police didn't have enough evidence to pursue the case and therefore there is no case to answer.
                  Your words and support are so kind LP.
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • #24
                    Hi All...Things are progressing slowly we will get there in the end I am sure. Hubby is seeking help psychologically
                    and will be seeing a councillor soon. What a rocky road we are all on and it doesn't just go away with the police when
                    they make a decision !
                    Can anyone point me in the right direction for support re establishing contact with our grand daughter ?
                    Daughter is still with the same man and to be honest I can't have contact with her while is is still around
                    but really need to see grand daughter is ok. LP
                    Together We Can Beat This Hell


                    • #25
                      Hello LP.

                      The best way to see your granddaughter in my opinion would be:

                      -To contact a family solicitor and explain your case.

                      -To get an appointment with a cafcass member:

                      -To request a contact order from a county court.

                      You may also go to your nearest citizen advice bureau to get more information.

                      As you know it can be difficult and my parents and I are in the same situation and we have been suggested to make an application with a family solicitor.
                      Just to warn you it could become expensive but I know exactly how you are feeling.

                      Please try first a citizen advice bureau then a cafcass member.
                      When I started to write to my son it had to be previously read by a solicitor,maybe you could ask your daughter this way?
                      In case you decide to contact your her by yourself (by phone)just make sure you record the conversation.

                      Take care.
                      Non,je ne regrette rien.


                      • #26
                        Thanks BDC, I was looking at cafcass earlier but I didn't realise we could contact them.
                        Will have another look later and try to see someone there. I will also contact cab and our solicitor.LP
                        Together We Can Beat This Hell


                        • #27
                          Hi LP
                          A belated congratulations! I'm so happy that the truth has outed for you all.
                          All best wishes for the future,
                          BN xxx


                          • #28
                            Thank you BN. LP
                            Together We Can Beat This Hell

