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Reasons for FA..has anyone ever found out why ?

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  • Reasons for FA..has anyone ever found out why ?

    Hi All....I have been reading a lot of threads recently and have noticed that most of the falsely accused
    (including us), spend time trying to work out why they have been accused. As time as passed for us we have realised the question of why is futile as we will probably never know why our daughter has attacked her Dad in this way.
    Just interested to know if anyone has ever found out why ? LP
    Together We Can Beat This Hell

  • #2
    why, LP, oh why?

    Because it's an easy, guaranteed and 'legal'(? - only lying) way to really hurt someone?
    Because there seems currently an almost zero chance of perceived repercussions for the accuser?
    Because they can hurt you more than you hurt them?
    Because someone (their 'friend') suggested the idea?
    Because of the talk of CICA compensation?
    Because old fashioned morals seem to be in decline?
    Custody / financial/ property?
    Malice/ vindictiveness/ revenge?
    alibi/ excuse/ attention seeking?
    'innocent', 'didn't realise it would go so far'?
    Power/ control?

    more experienced members will, I'm sure, be along soon to further embellish this very well-posted thread.....
    Last edited by just married; 2 February 2013, 05:54 PM.
    I'm not ready to make nice


    • #3
      i think my sons accuser gained a lot. in the town we live in she had no family that wanted to know her , no friends who trusted her , no home ( 3 year waiting list ) , and no job.
      after the accusations and involvment of victims support and womens aid she now has new friends , a nice home ( furnished ) and prob claiming victims compensation and all the support she needs to study or find work.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies Bookworm and JM
        Together We Can Beat This Hell


        • #5
          omg, bookworm, I forgot the womens aid and victim support.. They, I believe, so far appear to be my own accusers main motives... Free housing and benefits.... nice work.
          I'm not ready to make nice

