Hi everyone,
I was arrested in sep 2011, I went through a trial last month and was Acquitted by jury, the truth came out in the court (it did in my case), my ex had accused me of multiple rapes, but police and CPS did every thing they could to get the conviction, but my barrister was too good for CPS, I wish I could post all the details, Barrister busted the forensic doctor who was instructed by CPS or Police to write a medical statement and add a few extra bits in her statement,
I would highly recommend Gerry and Nerida
this site helped a lot in understanding how police deal with these cases, and the expert advice is priceless
members here actually save innocent people from going to jail and I cannot be thank enough to all the advice and support which everyone gets on this forum
I will keep helping here as you all helped me in difficult time
now can i have my bananas

I was arrested in sep 2011, I went through a trial last month and was Acquitted by jury, the truth came out in the court (it did in my case), my ex had accused me of multiple rapes, but police and CPS did every thing they could to get the conviction, but my barrister was too good for CPS, I wish I could post all the details, Barrister busted the forensic doctor who was instructed by CPS or Police to write a medical statement and add a few extra bits in her statement,
I would highly recommend Gerry and Nerida
this site helped a lot in understanding how police deal with these cases, and the expert advice is priceless
members here actually save innocent people from going to jail and I cannot be thank enough to all the advice and support which everyone gets on this forum
I will keep helping here as you all helped me in difficult time
now can i have my bananas
