My brother has been accused of sexual behaviour with his stepdaughter when she was 15 years old. He promises me that it is not true. She is now 34 years old with 2 children of her own. The accusation was made after my brother left his wife and wanted a divorce. His ex wife claims that there were things on his computer writing to the stepdaughter but my borther denies writing them at all. The Police have bailed him for the last 7 months but have not charged him. They have his computer and have not offered any information as to what or when he could be charged. He is a man of 70 years old and is worried to death about it all and is scared that he will be sent to rpison and will die there. The wife has made this accusation before about her and another daughter before towards another man but I do not know what the outcome of that was. All my brothers belongs have been placed into stprage by the wife and stepdaughter and they are paying the charges out of the money (some £3000) that they owe my brother. What, if anything can he do? Please, please help with any info that you can.
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Accused of sexual beahviour with a minor
Hi and welcome to the forum
I've moved your post to another heading so that it will get the attention it needs from other posters.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Firstly welcome to the forum
This is a terrible situation but there are some positives
While there is no charge, there is currently insufficient evidence to prosecute.
It could be that they are waiting for the computer forensics, which normally takes a very long time.
The forensics will be able to tell when these things have been written on the computer.
The fact that a previous allegation has been made could be powerful ammunition if a charge comes so you could be gathering information on that if it can be done subtly (although it should be on police records so the CPS should consider it when making their decision)
When is the next bail date? Get your solicitor to phone up in advance (2 days-ish) to see if they can get an indication of what might happen.
Stay Strong"Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
Hello Jacqui,
Not sure whether you are asking for advice regarding the separation/divorce/personal belongings or the police investigation!
If the latter my view from what you have told us is that the CPS will make no decision until the computer forensics are back.
Apart from the allegation that there may be relevant emails on the hard drive, as the allegations concern sexual activity with a minor, the police will be looking for any corroboration that your brother has an 'interest' in this.
As the allegation is historical and not high profile the computer will be at the back of the queue and depending on the work-load in his area it may be many months before it is looked at.
Do bear in mind that the police should charge as soon as they have sufficient evidence; it follows then that they presently have no evidence and so the outcome will likely depend on if they find anything on the computer. The motive for making a false accusation seems to be fairly plain in this instance but, as the allegation has been made, the police are obliged to follow it up.
So, to answer your question, in relation to the police investigation it is a waiting game. However there is probably quite a bit to sort out with the separation & divorce but I will leave it to someone better qualified to advise on this!
Edit to add that Faith is a quicker typist than me, however this post reinforces his message.
Last edited by Casehardened; 11 January 2013, 05:39 PM.'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Hi Jacqui
Just want to say welcome to the forum. This is a really awful thing to happen to your brother... You are in the right place here and will get loads of advice and support from everyone, and learn a great deal too.... MH"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Make Sure Your Attorney Believes In You
All a child has to do is say you did it. The jury will convict no matter what evidence you have. Check out my case at There you will see my story. I have been dealing with this lie for over 23 years now. Can't fnd a job, have to work at home, picture on a national registry, etc. While I hope the children tell the truth in your case. The social workers will bring them in as many times as needed until they get the results they wanted. They can say something is missing from the tape and have the doctors testify to it and social workers. Look at the Victim Impact Statement. I was still convicted and sent to prison after the judge reading that. I have lost all faith in our legal system. Best of luck to you.
Originally posted by SeeksJustice View PostAll a child has to do is say you did it. The jury will convict no matter what evidence you have. Check out my case at There you will see my story. I have been dealing with this lie for over 23 years now. Can't fnd a job, have to work at home, picture on a national registry, etc. While I hope the children tell the truth in your case. The social workers will bring them in as many times as needed until they get the results they wanted. They can say something is missing from the tape and have the doctors testify to it and social workers. Look at the Victim Impact Statement. I was still convicted and sent to prison after the judge reading that. I have lost all faith in our legal system. Best of luck to you.
Have you seen that 512 Productions Ltd have advertised that they are making productions etc on miscarriages of justice. They are asking for people who have been falsely accused to take part. I haven't looked into this anymore, but if you are interested see link
512 have put their contact details in the comments at the bottom of the article.....
Really sorry to hear about your story. I hope you get justice!!!!!!
Good luck X
Please sign my petition:
Originally posted by saddened View PostSteve,
Have you seen that 512 Productions Ltd have advertised that they are making productions etc on miscarriages of justice. They are asking for people who have been falsely accused to take part. I haven't looked into this anymore, but if you are interested see link
512 have put their contact details in the comments at the bottom of the article.....
Really sorry to hear about your story. I hope you get justice!!!!!!
Good luck X
I've started the petition "Petition NC: Help Innocent Man Convicted of Child Sex Crimes Prove HIs Innocence" and need your help to get it off the ground.
Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:
Here's why it's important:
This is very important to me because I did not commit these crimes. I have proof that I am an innocent person upon investigating my own case, I found some of the documents that should clear my name. Please go to my website and web blogs at and I have another site and blog. It is and There you will see some very shocking evidence that proves that I am innocent .
I have had to live with this lie for 23 years that I was convicted with that I never did. My attorney worked with the prosecution and he hid evidence from the judge and jury that would have cleared me of the charges. As you can see on my website, there are 2 documents, a Victim Impact Statement and a Motion for Appropriate Relief decision. It should be very obvious that my lawyer lied under oath about the true facts in this case. Here my lawyer said, "What would he testify to." and he said , "What I told him to". If he was an effective lawyer, he would have known what he would say, after all, my friends son, is the one that taped the confession. I was in the same room, not secreted, as my lawyer stated.
There is lots of evidence that would prove I am innocent. The Victimi Impact letter written 2 weeks prior to trial by the boys mother, "My son Jeffrey feels like he was in the wrong." I bet he does, he confessed to me that he was sorry and his own mother made him lie. He apologized to me on August 3, 1991 and I gave the tape to my attorney. He said it was not admissible because he did not say that he knew he was being taped. I told my girlfriend and family what my lawyer said. The very next weekend on August 10,1991, he came over and apologized again. This time, admitting he knew he was being taped. I had no idea that he was going to come over and confess either time. I told him I forgave him and I do not hold anything against him. He went to court, did not know why I was there, and the jury still convicted me. It is wrong what has happened to me and I want the convictions overturned so I can have my life back.
It is wrong what has happened to me and would appreciate your comments here and on my blog to show support. Further comment here as well. I may have been convicted, but it did not change the truth. I did nothing to those children and they know it. I appreciate your time in reading this. Thank you..
You can sign my petition by clicking here.
Hi SeeksJustice,
It is good that you are supporting our members by posting on their threads and detailing your experiences.
However I would ask you to start your own thread to solicit signatures for your petition rather than appending the same post on several different threads. It can be then made clear your experiences occurred in the USA where legal processes and court procedures are different to the UK where most of our members are based (we have enough problems with understanding Scottish procedures!)
I feel you are unduly depressing our members who are currently going through their own process by not making it clear that your trial took place in the USA.
Kind regards and I wish you well with your campaign.
CH'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Originally posted by Casehardened View PostHi SeeksJustice,
It is good that you are supporting our members by posting on their threads and detailing your experiences.
However I would ask you to start your own thread to solicit signatures for your petition rather than appending the same post on several different threads. It can be then made clear your experiences occurred in the USA where legal processes and court procedures are different to the UK where most of our members are based (we have enough problems with understanding Scottish procedures!)
I feel you are unduly depressing our members who are currently going through their own process by not making it clear that your trial took place in the USA.
Kind regards and I wish you well with your campaign.
I had a sudden downwards spiral as I glazed over your post, only to read CH comment about you being in the USA.
I am very sorry to hear about your misfortunes however and wish you all the best in the future.