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my life turned upside down

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  • #31

    hi again, just had a call from my employer saying that they forgot to tell me that i could appeal, i asked them what differance it would make as they had made their mind up a week ago ,i should get it all in writing tomorrow. i hope to take some action in the coming weeks , it will be a lot easier once the allegation has gone , then i can look to get my name cleared and my crb sorted, i would like to go back into support work but for a different employer , and the walls came tumbling down


    • #32
      Don't panic.
      Unless you were on a self employed contract for your work, in which case your rights and responsibilities are much more for you to deal with yourself, it does sound as though your employer is acting totally illegally, probably in the hope that you'll hang your head, leave quietly, and not make a fuss.

      If you were fully employed by the company, agency, whoever they were, please follow lawlessone2009's advice. In fact please follow it anyway. It sounds quite unbelievable. How long were you with them? What kind of a contract? What kind of paperwork do you have relating to the job/contract?

      Last edited by just married; 10 January 2013, 07:40 PM.
      I'm not ready to make nice


      • #33
        Hi Jonathon, so sorry to hear this - but as others have said - would you want to carry on working with such judgmental and uncaring people.? I know that is not at the front of your mind now - but as I've mentioned before, there are many different and varied organisations working with vulnerable people where you will be able to start afresh when all this is over. Keep strong and busy.....
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #34
          thankyou myhome

          you are right , i would like to help people , maybe a hostel or halfway house, i just need to make sure my crb is ok , thankyou


          • #35
            Originally posted by jonathan View Post
            i just need to make sure my crb is ok
            My CRB is just about to be renewed for my job and I asked personnel if the current allegations would show up as they are logged on the police computers. She said that as I've not been charged then they shouldn't.... hope this helps
            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


            • #36

              hi, that is good news, i got a call from an agency today offering me some support work, i told them that i had an allegation against me but no charges, she told me to go for the interview, it is all about the crb


              • #37
                Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but allegations can be disclosed on an enhanced crb even without a charge,
                "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                Numbers 32:23


                • #38
                  If it is simply a CRB then I wouldn't imagine that there will be an issue.

                  If it is an enhanced CRB then, at present, there most likely will be an issue.

                  Was your previous work 'contract' work? Just a query now after having read the past few replies etc...
                  Wow... A signature option!


                  • #39
                    I work in the construction industry and a lot of my work was in prisons . Just before I was charged I got a call from one of the main contractors I do work for telling me I could no longer do his prison work . That was a shock to me as I've been working in various prisons for the last 15 years on and off .was so shocked I didn't even ask him who said I couldn't work there anymore. Hate all the explaining what's happening in my life at the moment . Good luck with all your going through my thoughts are with all of us in these difficult dark times
                    No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you're lucky, God will let you watch


                    • #40
                      thankyou all

                      i had a full contract , been there 9 months , i got a call saying that they would pay my notice, which is one month . it still does not sit well how they got rid of me, i am waiting to get a letter telling me , then i might react to the way it was done , a meeting to hear my side , but the outcome was already known a week before , once the allegations have been dropped i can have my say , what goes around comes around


                      • #41
                        bear in mind you only have 3 months from the date of dismissal to lodge a tribunal
                        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                        Numbers 32:23


                        • #42
                          thankyou faith

                          just got a registered letter from work, it states they have informed the relavent people so that i will be on the barred list , this means limited work for me , so i will concentrate on clearing my name and hopefully getting my crb back , i will when this is over try and do a human interest story for the newspaper about the plight of people like me who through allegation suffer , the lack of support from the authorities and about the good work this site does


                          • #43
                            This means that they have referred you to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) who will decide whether or not you will be placed on a barred list. They are under obligation to do this.
                            This doesn't mean you will definitely be barred, they weigh things up and you can make a representation if it doesn't fall in your favour.

                            Expect a letter from the ISA informing you that you have been referred. It could be quite a while before the outcome is decided.
                            "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                            Numbers 32:23


                            • #44
                              again many thanks

                              it is so comforting with all the advice given, i hope one day i also can help


                              • #45

                                well i went to see citizens advice on monday and they said that reading my dismissal letter it felt wrong as they had no grounds , he told me to appeal , so i wrote back to them to appeal , the law for unfair dismissal has changed , i had only been there for 9 months , you need to be there for 2 years , but i have not been charged so they acted too soon , i am waiting to hear from them . also i rang the police yesterday to see where we were at with my case, the police woman concerned was on holiday , i left a message for here to contact me, i have asked for my phone back as it has all my family, friends and employment contacts in it and i dont have a record of them , so dont have any help , there is nothing on my phone but they go through the motions , i registered for unemployment yesterday , had to go back today to sign , a 13 mile jourmey for a one minute appointment , i had an appointment with a councelor today , i waited for 15 minutes before they told me she would not be in due to the weather, but they had tried to ring me, trouble is the police have the phone , got to wait 2 weeks for next appointment , i have already waited two , so no help at all

