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falsely accused of rape

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  • falsely accused of rape

    well all started today when i had the police knock on the door,they did say sorry but then told me that i had been accused of made me sick and i could only just standup after shaking so much.why do people lie like this.

    This is how it started.
    i went on a date last sat nite with a mate his girlfriend and her friend(who told me they where 18).the nite went really well and we all had a good time in a pool club,with 1 or 2 drinks later we left there and headed back to my dates house for coffee,watch a movie and chat.after some time me,my date started kissing and that went on to the bedroom.(and so on)
    it was getting late and we all was sitting down the stairs watching the film,mostly falling to sleep.when her mum and dad walk in,of cause he went ape sh*t that we was in the house and started thowning we left mate went to get a taxi to pick me and him up,i waited there cause his girlf didnt want me to leave because she was scared that her mates dad would hurt them both and her mum.after a bit my date came out with a black eye, one wanted to stay there any more so we all got in the taxi.
    as my mate had work at 6 and it was already half2,the girls asked if they can stay at mine.ok no prob with that,we got back sorted sleeping out,put music on and all fell to sleep.
    next day when we wake up all is fine and happy,mate gets over to pick his girlf up.her mate phones her mum to see if all has carmed down,all has so she heads off as well.

    then came tuesdayi get that knock on my door.

    she has said that she doesnt remember much bout the nite and whenshe went to her room with me,she fell to sleep and thats when i had nonconsenxual sex with her.also she slept in till the last min then woke with me on top of her.
    as for my mate and his girlf walking in on us and she telling her mate to go away,she doesnt remember.
    also the black eye,yes the police have said that they think it was me.
    and another lie shes 15 not 18 why say that.
    i dont understand why the police cant see through this.why would see want to come back to mine if i did that.
    plus when it kicked off in the house and i went outside i phoned 999 cos her dad was hitting out.not just at us but her mum.they must have it on could hear it all really clearly,the operater said she could.

    its not the best thing,butwriting it helps a hurts waiting to find out whats next.6 weeks of pain and life of lost trust.

    hope u get the time to read and reply.

  • #2
    hi kelv like i have just said to geraldine you have the fight of your life get a realy good barrister and as much effidence and support that you can muster good luck and let us know how you are doing take care hugs maria x


    • #3
      I do feel for you, i know its a terrible thing for a man to be accused of. Someone pointed me in the direction of FASO - Falsely Accused Support Organisation. I only wish i knew they existed 10 months ago to help me through this, they are a voluntary organisation of people who have been falsely accused of rape. I dont think they are open at weekends but they will be tomorrow, ring them and discuss your case, i did and it was good to know about things but also daunting to know what my reality might be! Their number is 0870 241 6650. They can recommend specialist solicitors in your area.

      Good luck, and if its one small consolation for you, at least you werent remanded in custody!


      • #4
        Good luck kelv believe me you will need it


        • #5
          shattered mum

          my 15 yo son was falsely accused of rape . With just 3 days before the crown court case the girl admitted she had lied. This took her 9 months to tell the truth ,during that time we as a family went through hell.My husband was admitted to hospital with chest pains due to all the stress I'm still on medication for depression and sleeping tablets .My son lost 6 months of schooling because the girl had said the crime had taken place in school.During those 6 months my son had no support from our local LEA what so ever. While my son lost out on his education the girl and her friend who back her story still attended school and have support and an education. My sons life was left in tatters. We are glad this is over but we can't put closure to this because my son has gone through soon much and no one has even said SORRY and I think he deceives that.My son if found guilty he could have faced up to 2 years in a young offender .But the girl got of scot free. And thats wrong. So we no what you are going through.


          • #6
            Hi shttered mum,
            We went through the same with my son, our lives where turned up side down , after 10 months of hell it was brought to court and the judge through it out of court and a not guilty was heard, after ten months it took three court hearings to throw it out, the family still live not too far away and i dont know how i have kept my hands of the young girl in question, the judge apologised to us all for the lies that appeard in court, he was fantastic and luckily my son had a fantastic barrister who was a judge himself, there prosecutor whom was supposed to be on there side came up to me and my husband and said .... how do we live in the same community as them, and then she said she never wants to see that disgracefull family again, in all her career she was appalled, i was totally in shock, she never wanted to be involved with the family in question, but she had to do (our solicitor told us)
            Anyway enough of my babbling and i wish you all the love .. luck and happiness to yourselves and your son xxxxxxxxxx marie


            • #7
              shattered mum

              Hi Marie thanks for your message and kind words. I didn't realize just how many people have gone through the same thing until I found this wed site, When will the law change to stop this happening.And where is the support for our sons when it's proven they'er innocent? Not forgetting us parents . We found out 3 days before trial the girl had lied . My husband and myself still attended court the day of the intended trial , just to hear the judge throw the case out . A few words were said I can't recall much of it as I think I was in shock and I still can't believe people can lie and put others through sheer hell.As I 'm sure you have felt the same.I wasn't expecting to feel how I do now, while it was going on I was on auto pilot now I feel very bitter and angry. Mostly because of the unanswered questions and the adsents of any apology from any one. We are expected to dust our selfs down and pick up the pieces of our shattered lifes as if nothing has happened. And its not that easy is it.


              • #8
                False allegation of rape


                If you haven't already engaged a solicitor experienced in these matters please email me at and I might be able to find you one and advise you further.



                • #9
                  similar story

                  So sorry for you. Your story is so close to my sons. I have just posted that he has just been cleared after 14 months of hell. What I will say to you is my sons lawyer and advocate I am so glad we got them, they saw every lie and took it to bits. They saved my sons life. So get good legal defence now. Also write down every little detail you remember times, dates, people, calls etc in case you forget as you are going to be under great stress. My son just melted and broke down completely when they said not guilty. This type off allegation rips your heart out. I am so lucky I have friends I can lean on. Dont chase your friends or family away because of this, you are gonna need them. GOOD LUCK.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    my 15 yo son was falsely accused of rape . With just 3 days before the crown court case the girl admitted she had lied. This took her 9 months to tell the truth ,during that time we as a family went through hell.My husband was admitted to hospital with chest pains due to all the stress I'm still on medication for depression and sleeping tablets .My son lost 6 months of schooling because the girl had said the crime had taken place in school.During those 6 months my son had no support from our local LEA what so ever. While my son lost out on his education the girl and her friend who back her story still attended school and have support and an education. My sons life was left in tatters. We are glad this is over but we can't put closure to this because my son has gone through soon much and no one has even said SORRY and I think he deceives that.My son if found guilty he could have faced up to 2 years in a young offender .But the girl got of scot free. And thats wrong. So we no what you are going through.
                    please contact me- my son 15 too

